tease~🍋 (Empireverse Edition)

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Killer was walking around the Castle looking for nightmare, he wouldn't usually look for nightmare unless he wanted to tease him or just play around and annoy him but today was a very... Interesting day~

Killer found the rich boy/ king mother fucker (killer's nickname for nightmare) in his thrown room sleeping, sleeping on his  thrown, killer let out a small giggle as he ran to the kitchen. Why?

Well killer quickly slid into the kitchen and grabbed two knife from one  of them hanging from the ceiling.

Lucky all the Castle staff was on vacation for the day so almost no one was around. Killer looked at the knifes and started running back, as he running in the hallway killer had stopped he looked down and realized something killer started walking a little until he stopped at a door, he slowly opened the door. It was the room of the sewing room. Killer looked inside and saw what he needed killer walked inside and grabbed a rope, killer did nothing as he quickly left the sewing room, I mean errors baby! (Error always hates when people go into the sewing room)

Killer walked all the way to the thrown room still with a sleeping nightmare, killer let a small smirk form his face as he walked towards nightmare.

Killer put down the knifes as he grabbed the rope he just got lucky nightmare was asleep as he grabbed nightmares  tentacles and wrapped them in one area with the rope.

Killer then grabbed the two knives and then placed both nightmares arms resting on the arm rest of his thrown, he stabbed nightmares jacket to the chair, which made nightmare basically pin down.

Killer let a small smirk show as he was done.

Killer said nothing as he sat on nightmares lap, and leaning back on nightmares chest, nightmare quickly woke up as he jumped, nightmare looked down at killer sitting on his lap, he instantly got flustered and mad at the Same time.

"Killer what are you" nightmare yelled ready to push off killer from his lap but then as he tried to move his hands they didn't move.

Killer just smirked as nightmare tried to move.

Nightmare noticed the knifes on his hands, nightmare then tried moving his tentacles but they were tide up too.

Nightmare looked a bit scared that killer was going to do something.

"Wh- what are you gonna-" nightmare stopped as he felt killers ass slam on his member...

"Nothing much~" killer said as he sit up a bit and move his body from nightmares lap to one of nightmares legs. Killer lift up his hand and moved it to nightmares pants as he started to unzip it.

nightmare was so shocked that he was just thinking. Killer always joked around about this but nightmare never thought he would actually do this.

Killer looked at nightmare and gave him a little smirk, killer looked down at nightmares rock hard (why?!) Member.


"Killer... Stop!" Nightmare yelled as he tried moving to see if anything happened, killer said nothing as he moved himself into the middle of nightmares  lap.

Killer slip down his own pants as he placed nightmares exposed member And placed his ass next to it. Killer hand his male eco body on (for all the tease chapters). Nightmare had a huge cyan blush on his face it was so bright you could use it as a light source.
Nightmare was Viciously shacking his head no, Killer only smirked, as he raise his body.

"Don't worry this won't take long" Killer said as he slammed down his Ass on nightmares thing- (idk)

Killer started bouncing on nightmare, killer did small leaps making it so you could hear then sound of it moving up and down.

"Mmm... Hey! Night- you like th-is?" Killer said as he started bouncing faster, nightmare moan softly feeling killer started to pick up speed.

Soon the room was filled with small moans, killer lift himself more as he really bounced around as he moved his hip.

Nightmare just moaned looking at killer, suddenly nightmares felt his tentacles being untied. Nightmare only smirked as he let killer continue.

"Fuc...ah" nightmare moaned as killer began to slow down, nightmare let Out a small gasp as he felt himself "Release" (XD)

Killer let out a small moan as he felt himself get filled by nightmare (wheeze)

Both nightmare and killer were breathing heavily a
Waiting for nightmares friend to finish riding out.

"Man... That was good" killer said with nightmare still inside him.

"Yea-h..." Nightmare said still in a daze.

"*huff* well thanks for the fun night bu-" kill said about to get off of nightmare, suddenly killer was pulled back do slammed back onto nightmare. Killer looked behind him and saw nightmares tentacles removing the knives from nightmares arm and a tentacle going to close to killers member.

"Uh! You were free the whole time?!"

Nightmare let out a small chuckle as he grabbed killer and teleported to nightmares room.

The end....

Alot of fucking happens...

ok hoi my lovely people!

Also you best be know... I'm making a Naj! edition!
I don't know how but? I mean a teacher and a student!? Got any suggestions for that to work?

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