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"I was wondering if you could climb the tower with me?"

That indisputable unfeigned smile. Sun-kissed golden amber eyes. Unparalleled chestnut locks. Even just a slight hum of his voice, Khun Aguero Agnis would know it anywhere- heʼd disgrace himself if he didnʼt, as 500 years has passed since he lamented the loss of the only person who taught him how to cherish, and whom he cherished the most.

Khun could still remember it as if it was yesterday. How he surprised even himself, agreeing to the brunetʼs outrageous proposal in a heartbeat, like he was meant to follow him to the death. It felt like he had gone back through time, yet he knew that this was all but a memory of the calm before the storm. He couldnʼt forget it even if he wanted to, because it would be the last bit of a beautiful remnant Bam would leave him, until heʼs gone away, for eternity.

"Iʼll be back before you know it. Wait for me, will you?"

Khun shouldnʼt have let him meet Rachel at all costs. He shouldnʼt have doubted his instincts and let the whole tower know he was an Irregular. He shouldnʼt have suggested that stupid and utterly ridiculous game. He was a Khun, for peteʼs sake! He had a mindset of a ruler, yet how could he have let things slip and disregarded that slight possibility?

Then he found himself reliving another horrible scene. His young, fragile hands held the said irregularʼs bloodied figure delicately like a brittle jewel, bringing it closer to his chest without ever faltering. The others just watched, tight-lipped and jaws clenched- never daring to come between the both of them like they all had been doing since the beginning. Funny how they decide to do it when they were both at deathʼs door, one literally and the other figuratively.

The bluenet recalled himself acting out of character, but he never bothered scolding himself out of it, whispering in hushed tones of how all would be well, that better days would come and that the brunet had done well that time. That they were going to be alright when they both knew they wonʼt. He remembered humming a familiar tune, caressing his brown locks with his fingertips, pressing light kisses on his forehead as he cradled him like a child, lulling him to endless slumber.

"How cold."

He also remembered how the pure and unwavering brunet muttered inaudible apologies between hitched breaths. How Khun assured him that it was fine and he was allowed to get his well-deserved rest as the former buried his face on the younger boyʼs shoulder, hiding his dimming expression- even when the bluenetʼs insides were screaming and tearing him apart.

And the people around them watched sullenly from a distance as the irregular who brought them all together closed his eyes with his usual carefree smile, and looked away when they heard the person whom the latter had spent his last moments with break down in silent melancholy.

𝓲ʼ𝓶 𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂.

Nobody would dare mention it, but it will never be forgotten.

Why did he ever let Bam go?



Deep cobalt blue eyes shot open, the ownerʼs hands clutching his chest as he tried to calm his panic-stricken heart. He counted a mere twenty seconds before regaining his own composure- at least in the exterior aspect, yet also noticing the changes that didnʼt escape his keen eyesight.

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