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A mellifluous voice resonated through the barren plane, and that was all it took for Khun to know that this was the last illusion he had to overcome before he could proceed to the final event.

"Doesnʼt it sound surreal? To climb and reach the top- together, this time?"

If it were any other circumstance, this was the type of voice that would send goosebumps through your skin, capturing your complete attention like a picturesque masterpiece, void of any worldly flaws.

"Oh what wouldnʼt you pay to make that happen. Arenʼt I right, my Aguero?"

Khun slapped the hand away before it could reach even a slight distance near his skin. To him, all the voice brought was discomfort- the light shrill running chills through his spine.

"If I wanted to- and even if I had to," the grasp on the weapon on his waist tensed. Still, he refused to turn to where the newcomer was situated. "What made you think it would be with you?"

Of all people, Khun could never understand why it just had to be this person whom he had to encounter so soon, at this vulnerable state. The meeting was inevitable- that, the bluenet admits. It didnʼt mean that he hadnʼt wished it would just not happen. He had enough of the complicated drama going on in his life, but it seems fate has not satiated its thirst yet.

"Why, should it be someone else?" The person kept stepping towards him, and he could hear her simper and smirk with the effect of their words. "Someone as important as Khun Edahn, our father? Someone, whose presence to you was like a king- King Jahadʼs rule? Someone whom youʼll gladly die for?"

He inhaled sharply, frozen in his stance. "Shut up."

Yet, illusions never do listen, do they?

"Someone who died because of your momentary weakness? Someone like the Twenty-fifth Bam?"

"Shut your mouth, Khun Maria." Khunʼs blood boiled as the lady smiled cleverly, wiping the faint streak of blood flowing from the clean strike on her temple. He will never let her tarnish his name with her filth.

"You wound me, Aguero," Maria, or rather, the grown version of herself as depicted by Khunʼs consciousness, chuckled as her figure had drawn closer, feigning offense. "But my, oh my. I did not expect you to remain hung up on that naivé irregular. Itʼs been what, half a millennia?" She flashed an admonishing stare at the boy, trying to make him feel small about himself. "And look at you now, reduced to this sorry state after you pulled that stunt and killed off more than half of my men."

The regressor regained his composure, directing a pointed look towards his half-sister. Did she really think that heʼd keep succumbing to her every whim when she was literally set out on obliterating his team? He should have known better then. That life was a cycle of treachery, and Maria was not an exception to not do it several other times.

"Nevertheless, you are more than an asset. How about we joined forces once more, Aguero?" Khun felt that familiar churning of his stomach as she flashed a sickeningly sweet smile. "You are better off with your own kind than that useless child anyway, right?"

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