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「 At this rate, youʼll only burden him with unnecessary feelings you couldnʼt take accountability for. 」

"I apologize."

Itʼs been two nights since Shibisu almost couldnʼt sleep a wink and ended up having another session of self-reflection— mulling over the most-likely one-sided confrontation that had transpired yesterday. If anything he said or did warranted the need for the Khun kid to wake up and choose violence, or something else that could have set Bam off. Therefore, it was rather inarguable that he unwittingly got out of bed and fate decided it would be a good day to rise and look like shit. Thankfully, it seems that he wasnʼt the only one agonizing about it, because when he opened the door, Hatzʼ bloodshot, sleep-deprived expression came into view. The ravenet avoided his gaze the moment he realized Shibisu was scrutinzing him, but the way he tousled his disheveled hair as he sighed in exhaustion told the former everything he needed to know. It is kind of unfair though, this horrible thing called beauty that never favored Shibisu at all.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Oh, was he staring too much? The brunet blinked. "Like what?"

"Like youʼre thinking of a hundred different ways on how to efficiently hide a body." Hatzʼ eyes narrowed, his lips pressing into a thin line as he stared back at him impassively. "My body. Stop that, itʼs pissing me off more than it should."

That was a rather accurate statement, and if Shibisu wasnʼt so out of it, he would have laughed at Hatz and that ungrateful imbecile named Anaak Jahad, who got them in this mess, out of spite for the ridicule he had received on the course of their truce. But it was barely six in the morning, and Shibisu, being the better person that he prides himself to be, responded with a swift change of topic. Now, going back to the matter at hand, he still does not understand what they did that caused Khun to snap like that when they literally just knew each other. Instead of irration though, he thought that the expression mirrored on the bluenetʼs face that day leaned more onto disappointment. Like he didnʼt expect the duo to cross an unspoken line and have things go off-course.

Hatz waved him off, saying it was just one of those episodes where people, mostly direct descendants of the Ten Great Families, felt the insatiable need to trample over beings they see as threats. And while that definitely explains some things, witnessing that person ready to convert them all into an enemy for a single boy, no matter how farfetched his assumptions were, unyieldingly, made Shibisu realize that he wasnʼt as stuck-up as they make him out to be. Rather, Khun was too devoted. Like he experienced too much. Cared too much. Worried too much. Loved too much.

Still, it was irrefutable that they all got off on the wrong foot, so color him surprised when they came across the same man awaiting at the cafeteria, suggesting them to approach his chosen table and hung his head low. Wait, was he seeing it right? A member of the notorious Khun Family? Lowering his noble head to a mere Outer Tower citizen?

"Pardon me?"

"Iʼm sorry." The latter and the swordsman glanced at each other, obviously confused. Did Shibisu die out of insomnia last night? "For snapping out like that and running my mouth mindlessly. I apologize for jumping into conclusions, accusing you of using Bam for his abilities and his connection to me without giving you the chance to explain."

"So you are aware!" the ravenhead grunted in pain, murmuring an apology after an elbow collided with his gut, as they finally noticed the presence of the said brunet stirring his head that was laid on Khunʼs lap. His brow twitched, thinking it was uncharacteristic of the bluenet to let someone get that close to him— more so the latter patting that someoneʼs head endearingly, but here they are, goosebumps forming on his skin.

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