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Bam, by all means, wasnʼt a stranger to death.

The viscous, pungent stench of rotting, inhumane flesh followed him like an annoying flea he had always wanted to get rid of for quite a while now— but for some odd reason, cannot— clinging onto the ghosts of his past like a crazed lover. During his time inside the cave (he couldnʼt possibly have called it birth when he could not even recall being a toddler), corpses piled along their trails as he and the creature moved from one place to the other in hopes to make ends meet.

Ahjussi shouldnʼt have died.

That dragon was the sole someone, closest to a parent he never had. Killed his kin just to keep a child barely deserving any attention— more so food, alive in a habitat not meant for him. Placed itself a lifetime worth of guilt for an anomaly loved by shinheuh. It killed for Bam, yet ironically died in the same hands it fought so hard to keep alive. A bleeding scale latched tightly on both small and scarred hands, an unbeating heart which he had robbed of its vigor. Back then, if someone gave the brunet the chance to die alongside it, he would have gladly done so.

But, the voices in Bamʼs head told him otherwise.

"You have done extremely well this time, son of V."

The voice didnʼt radiate pride the same way Agueroʼs did when they were younger. Rather, it was freezing. Restricting, even— a voice that rendered people to their knees and compelled them to worship him. Akin to a person who had to lose every part of himself alongside a dead manʼs whims.

That dead man, Bam believes, should be V, his allegedly biological father. Now, he does not exactly know what went on behind the scenes a thousand years ago, and how it all had gone wrong between them. However, Khun Edahn would sometimes stare his way, distraught and a lost cause— as if someone had stolen the stars and what only remained were fragments. He was like Aguero in that sense. Bam was there, yet the both of them were looking at him like he was an impostor standing in the place of somebody else.

"Now, kill him."

Th command came naturally out of the Khun Family Headʼs mouth, but Bam never had any real experience with humans. More so, killing them. He does not understand their constant desire for wounding the flesh and need for violence wherever they could set their shadow upon when they all could just coexist without having to give a damn about each other. In this instance, Khun Edahn had taken not giving a damn to another degree— ordering a foreign blood to slay his own child as if he had just demanded his daily bath.

"You canʼt?" The lordʼs voice boomed which sent shivers down the retainerʼs spine. Orbs of electric blue staring down at him and the son, traitorous fractals creeping up the younger Khunʼs limbs up to his neck, freezing his skin to a burning degree. Edahnʼs gaze locked onto him, casting an emptied glare as he muttered with unintentional nostalgia. "You really resemble him too much. Probably even until hell broke loose, you would still refuse to sully your hands like a damn hypocrite. Maybe that was why Jahad tore you to pieces long ago. Not that it matters."

Bam remembered tightening his grip on his sword as he averted his attention from the intensity of the gaze. "Itʼs not that—"

"Killing is inevitable in this line of work, Jue Viole. You ought to understand that the moment you decided to train under me," Edahn interjected, passing a coldly indifferent look towards his son who, for a moment, had his eyes lighting up with sheer hope before it shattered completely as the headʼs hands gripped his neck and lifted him with ease. "Besides, itʼs not like it is going to be your first time."

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