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Bamʼs side ;
Agnis Manor ;

The day was unusually long and tedious- much to Bamʼs utter dismay, as he swung his legs to and fro the ledge of the worn out bench he was sitting on, the soles of his feet barely grazing over the patches of luscious bermuda as he tried to ease his boredom.

"I miss Aguero," Bam mumbled, heaving out an exasperated sigh as he banged his forehead on the table lightly in sheer frustration. "I wonder how he is doing right now."

A small frown hung upon his lips as he shook his head hastily, shrugging off all of his excess thoughts, and tried once more to attentively process that one problem in the book he was currently stuck on. Unsurprisingly, the brunet eventually failed like the first five times. Sometimes he doesnʼt understand how these humans from the outside could and would choose to learn so much than what they needed to survive. Do they even get to like it?

Sivori introduced a new subject to Bam earlier this day which he called Arithmetics. People are expected to perform certain fundamental operations with whole numbers and fractions, and apparently, these operations have their own special rules and properties. Whatever he meant by that, Bam still couldnʼt get the hang of it. But what he did know, was that after a short while, the platinum blond left swiftly as if he had been impatiently waiting to do something important the whole day.

Bam wasnʼt quite sure. Maybe it had something to do with the competition he heard them talk about yesterday in hushed tones, as if it was meant to be hidden from him. He tried asking as subtle as he could, but the conversation just naturally switched to a topic the brunet can relate with. It seemed really important for them, and something they cannot let him know, so Bam just chose not to pry too much into it. He trusts that Khun will tell him when the time is right.

Heʼll know somehow.


A baritone voice snapped him out of his trance.

"Bam, are you still out there?"

The latter instantly corrected his posture, springing up from his seat as he set his bare feet flat on the damp grass as he yelled out a quick response. "Sivori-ssi!" He peeked from the back door, and was greeted by the older man who appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye. "I thought youʼll be return much later. Did Sivori-ssi forget something?"

"A-Ah, yes. Of course." Bam noticed him stutter, looking away from him as if Sivori was more likely to be convincing himself. "Did you happen to come across a pouch? I think I might have misplaced it somewhere in here while I was bringing in some old items."

Bam placed his inner musings at the back of his mind, his expression lighting up as he met eyes with Sivori, plastering a determined look. "Can I help? Maybe itʼs around my bed."

"Are you sure youʼre not suggesting this as excuse to bail on this lesson?" Sivori asked the child in mock suspicion, an amused smile on his lips.

"What? I would never!" The brunet denied, placing his hands behind him as he flashed a giddy smile. "Oh, would you look at the time! Iʼd better go and start searching for the thing!" He enthusiastically left the scene, giggling as he efficiently sped through the decapitated cabin, earning a light shake of a head from Sivori.

The moment Bam arrived at his part of the cabin, and was sure that there was enough distance between him and the young retainer, his cheery disposition faded and his demeanor changed completely. Bam wasnʼt sure of it yet, but his instincts told him that Sivori was definitely acting strange.

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