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It was as though a spell of cold water ran through the infirmary that Khun's body stiffened when he heard the faint hesitation in the ranker's tone, never escaping the bluenet's atypical hearing. His focus on the wilting petals dissipating as he concluded, an ominous feeling looming in his chest.

"Something did happen."

Silence reigned the atmosphere as Khun cast a sharp look on both of his companions. "Well? Will one of you be telling me every single thing I missed any time soon, or have you resigned to watching me turn this motherfucking ship upside-down until I get what I want?"

"Please don't. Evankhell raining hellfire on her own test floor is not something I desire to witness for the second time," the ranker mumbled, shruddering at a seemingly unsightly memory. Khun guessed it had everything to do with the incident that menace of a High Ranker- who, by the way, left all the work she was supposed to be in charge of as a director, to her loyal (read: ultimately stressed and severely underpaid) minions, caused.

"That young boy had one hell of a tenacity. Gave the medics a run for their money when he collapsed outside the infirmary's doorstep after your condition stabilized."

However, that is the least of Khun's concern right now. The latter's breath hitched as the last sentence finally sunk and registered in his mind. "He what?"

"With just attending the daily assembly, he personally nursed and never left your side after you went into septic shock. Reports showed that as soon as he gave you those flowers, he was brought for an emergency treatment. The specialists said it was a suppressed reaction to a substance called risin- among other things."

'Fuck, no... No fucking way...'

The young Khun's invasive thoughts began spiraling out of control. His head throbbing along with the resurfacing of a series of unwanted memories. As if a trigger had been finalky pulled and all hell broke loose, tormenting him time and time again. And time and time again, they never failed to remind him of how he led Bam to his demise with his own two hands. Hands he put to any kind of work necessary to prepare for a future with Bam in it. Hands he had worn as he sullied his team's path in order to pave a way for the subject of his affection to be beside him as he lived that childish dream of ascending to the throne. The same hands he used as he cradled Bam's corpse towards himself, shielding him from the influences of the cruel reality.

"...Hey! Khun Aguero Agnis breathe!"

"Shut up, I am thinking!" Cobalt orbs shot open, appearing dangerously empty and tranquil, but they pooled of fear and the unresolved anxiety he had accumulated over the centuries.

He had been careless, and Bam is in harm's way once more just when he thought he had everything under control. But he needed to pull himself together or else he might just snap out of his sanity. It's not in-character for him to get easily swept away by emotions. What he and Bam need right now is the right mindset and not him clutching for air every now and then. Stay calm, A.A. Stay fucking calm. "Where is he now?"

"Classes have not started yet so he should be resting now inside his quarte- HEY!" Lero's baritone voice filled the barren room as Khun bolted out of his bed, implacably removing the apparatuses attached to his body without second thought. "Where are you going- you're bleeding you dumb shit! Come back here!"

Oh, and it had to be fucking risin. Rachel, that wretched woman and a sorry excuse of a human being who was undoubtedly rotten to her core just had to coat her rusty blade with one of the strongest poisons in the entirety of the tower, and for what to strike him down when they've barely met? Was she just too focused on comforting her own ego and venting her inferiority complex? Well joke's on her because not even the devil was impressed at such a clumsy mistake. A mistake which, at the end of the day, was carried by Bam. The very mistake which was meant to kill Khun.

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