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"Representing the Agnis Branch Family, Aguero Agnis!"

The cries of the crowd became more prominent as the aforementioned stood still, proud and unwavering as the firm grip around the hilt of his knife tightened. Booming voices resonated around the large open stadium, awaiting on what kind of entertainment a warzone of sacrificial ten-year-olds would bring to their palate this year as the competitors from every participating branches were announced with flair.

This batch was more looked forward to because most of the players came from families having their own Jahad Princess Candidates, and becoming one of the winners is a deciding factor if a bloodline can still remain at the top, or tables will have to be turned on them. With an identity as influential and renowned as a Khun, losing this event would cost too high, with either death or exile as a collateral.

Paying no mind to the bloodthirsty maxims, Khun heaved out a sigh as he turned to a certain direction, feeling his family membersʼ deathly stares penetrating his whole body like sharp daggers. On their faces were the regal and cosmopolitan aura they usually kept up in dealing with matters outside the premise of their homes, but their well-disguised masks and the prideful look on their eyes were everything but encouraging. If anything, they were searching for vulnerabilities, imperfections they could use to ostracize him lest he will be able to leave this place in one piece.

"I wish you were here with me instead, Bam." Khun muttered to himself.

At least he could look at him filled with awe and admiration, like the bluenet could never do anything wrong in his eyes. At least heʼd give him an unclouded smile and an assurance that even if heʼd make an irrevocable mistake, he wouldnʼt lose everything. And like the last lifetime, Bam trusted Khun with his life- blindly, at that. But he canʼt expose him to such abstrusity yet. Khun will indulge and give Bam the best things in life he deserves, and all he can offer, for a little while longer. Yet, for that to become possible, he must win the title and privilege that comes with being officially recognized as a Khun child.

The successor play is usually divided into three main events, and if you were obviously uncultured and lived among commoners your whole life, you might think that this literally once-in-a-Son-of-Khunʼs-lifetime debut is fairly just a walk in the park, right?

Well, youʼre wrong. These types of events, especially if they are being hosted by one of the Ten Great Families, are hardly fair at all, nor are they a measly walk in a god-forsaken park. It should be more like a death parade- a battlefield where only the strongest dominate and claim victory. The first event, the race, is anything but normal. The track which reaches up to 500 meters, has five lanes for the five competitors in every batch and a ten-meter checkpoint. Each marker stood facilitators with a ballot full of questions and/or challenges the representative needed to perform correctly before they could proceed to running. This was to test oneʼs innate knowledge while separating out the talentless ones at the same time.

"Beloved patrons and representatives, the first round is about to begin in five minutes. If there arenʼt any more entries, please settle down and proceed to your designated areas."

He secretly rolled his eyes once he turned his head away from his relatives, sheathing his knife as he held his chin up confidently.

The first batch of competitors lined up, with Khun walking towards the last lane, leisurely stretching his arms as if he was just going for a morning jog. He internally cringed at the darkened expressions plastered on his opponentsʼ faces. It seemed like there were a few hundred representatives more compared to the play in his past life. Maybe the other families got lenient thinking that they could somehow have the upper hand in this. Sadly, Khun wouldnʼt let them have the opportunity to even dream of it. The players got into position, bending their lower limbs in a perfect 90° angle, impatiently awaiting the countdown.

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