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A canvas of pink and purple gradients greeted the bluenet as he finally opened his eyes, feeling the steady ground with the heels of his shoes, and the shinsu that surrounded him dissipating. He exhaled the breath he had unconsciously been holding in relief.

He has finally taken the first step towards Bam, and he will continue to walk forward until theyʼre separated no more. Yet his self-satisfaction did not last long, as he felt a familiar trail of gallant shinsu appear behind him- breathless and in distress.

"Why did you follow me here, Sivori?" he asked the blond with a dim expression.

"I am your graceʼs retainer, why wouldnʼt I?" Khun rolled his eyes at the obvious excuse. He had lived long enough to notice the subtle signs, and he wouldnʼt be the least bit surprised if Sivori would say heʼs spying on him on his motherʼs (or someone elseʼs) orders. Heʼd be appalled, but he wouldnʼt feel betrayed, because he had no expectations in the first place. "Youʼve changed, Monseigneur. Do you not trust me anymore?"

"I trust no one. You seem to have forgotten that." The bluenet scoffed, roaming his eyes around the rough terrain hoping to find even the slightest vent on the mounds of soil. "And besides, even if I do, it would never be you."

What Sivori did in the past is non-negotiable, and nothing in this life would guarantee that history wouldnʼt repeat itself. He realizes that better than anyone else now. It would only be for Khun to know, and for nobody else to ever find out.

Now that he had gotten a better view, the outside wasnʼt as bad as he initially thought it was. There was a fair amount of vegetation on the far northeast, and Khun was positive that thereʼd be at least a town or two miles further than that. If there was anything strange about this whole ordeal, itʼs that everything else seems normal, except for the area they landed on. They werenʼt on a desert or anything of that sort, itʼs just too desolate, like itʼs been purposefully abandoned.

Bam couldnʼt be underneath all these ruins. Fate isnʼt so cruel to do such a thing, right?

"Your grace, maybe you should forget about all this and return to the mothership," Sivori muttered with so much uneasiness that it caught Khunʼs attention.

"You found something, didnʼt you?" The platinum blond was surprised when his young master immediately caught on. "What is it, Sivori?"

The bluenet could hear his heartbeat raising in anticipation. "Shinsu. A strong concentration of it."

The former tried to look away immediately in case Khunʼs strange curiosity would be ignited, but it was already too late. He followed Sivoriʼs line of sight, and he saw a range of raised levels of sediments lining the dried up ground not far from where they stood. Without any hesitation and regard for Sivoriʼs concerns, Khun sprinted through the unstable landscape and towards the location, tight-lipped and anxious.

The moment the bluenet arrived there in a split second, a heavy feeling loomed over him. The sounds were faint, but his sharp senses could somehow catch the scraping of rocks against a tough surface, and echoes of what seems to be an underground riverʼs running stream of water.

"Come on." he pounded a rigid stone on the ground. "I just need a single opening!"

"Mon​sei​gneur Agnis, please refrain yourself this instant! The Madame will not be pleased when she'll hear of this!"

✔ blue-coloured beginnings 「 khunbam 」Where stories live. Discover now