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How breathtaking.

Was all the retainer could muster to mutter aloud as the spectacle preceded before him. Schools of fishes swimming along a current-like motion, circling the bubble towards the yonder, as if competing for picturesque freedom. It was one of the things he had never even dreamed of witnessing four years ago, more so even knowing beings aside from the ones craving for his life existed outside. Something spectacular and rather elegiac because for those little creatures, it was an infinite world out there. However, for other creatures, they were mere cattle.

The dead silence persisted uncomfortably soon after, and the invasive thoughts Bam held and tried to cast away for the person staying with him inside the bubble resurfaced with a bitter aftertaste. A week had passed since that incident broke out and everything in their dynamic changed drastically overnight. The void left by the people whom they once thought complemented their personalities perfectly was undeniably wide, and no amount of coping and independent achievements could fulfill that. Bamʼs wounds may have healed, yet he only felt emptier by the minute.

"So," the brunet broke the white noise enveloping the ambiance between him and his attempted murderer, starting calmly with their backs facing on the far end, away from each other. "Are we really just going to spend the rest of the day staring into empty space, Hoh-ssi?"

The blond turned and glared at him with hostility. "What do you want now?"

Bam matched his glare with a raised brow, not backing down. What was Hoh angry for when he was the one opting to stab him to his death? "Isnʼt there something you wanted to settle with me?"

"Ha, donʼt tell me you were expecting me to apologize? Oh my fucking god, Bam!" Hoh stared then bursted out in cynical laughter, finding the scenario funny. "Does everything has to be spelt out for you to etch it into your thick skull? I do not like you, and if given the chance to return to that day, I plan to do the same thing over and over again until I am satisfied because I will never be sorry for what I did!"

"Who told you I wanted your apology in the first place?" Bam questioned with a composed exterior, yet he never wanted to be able to bash some sense into someone more than he has now.

"Then what are you even bothering me for?! Do you want revenge? Or you hoped to see me repent? Then Iʼd rather you push me off this bubble this instant because I donʼt regret every single thing Iʼve done to ensure I would be able to climb further within the Tower!"

"Hoh-ssi, I donʼt need your regrets! All I ever wanted from you was the truth!" The retainer heaved out an exasperated sigh, and if not for the condition that if one of them much so touches the other they would get electrocuted, they would surely be going at each othersʼ throats by now. "Why do you abhor me so? Why do you hold so much animosity for me that you went along with an obvious plot to kill me? What did I even do wrong to receive such hatred from someone I genuinely wanted to be my friend?!"

"Because you have everything I loathed myself for not being able to have! Because it was unfair that people like you are born with boundless talent without even begging the gods for it, while we have to sacrifice everything we held dearly just to have a single chance!"

'I had everything? I was born with everything? Without begging the gods for it?' Bam felt ridiculous. Itʼs as if everything he went through since the moment he had his eyes opened was just reduced to a mere trial run.

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