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"Did the monseigneur and you finally make up?"

A slight graze of soft fibrous material on his right arm pulled Bam out of his sullen state, gratefully accepting it, and dabbed it over his skin before shaking his head in dismay.

"Unfortunately, not yet." He frowned, mulling over the times where Khun avoided literally everything that screamed his presence- going out of his way to not talk to people he conversed with, and rescheduling his training sessions, all in the name of avoiding the brunet. "Sivori-ssi, youʼve known Aguero the longest, right? Is there anything I can do to catch his attention?"

"Iʼm afraid his grace has always been a difficult master to appease." The man sighed sympathetically at his circumstances, but shook his head much to Bamʼs utter disappointment. "However, Iʼm sure the conflict will end soon. You just have to put a little more faith in the monseigneur, donʼt you think so?"

Bam nodded, forcing another tight-lipped smile on his lips as he changed into something warmer for the day. Everything hurts, but his mistake was what drove them to this predicament. As if on cue, as soon as he finished packing up, the platinum blond returned before him, carrying small bag containing a few vials colored with a translucent blueish pigment.

"The herbalist increased the dosage by double, as you suggested. Again, do not forget that I have warned you long ago, alright?" He threw a concerned gaze at the brunet as he handed the satchel- to which the latter just returned with a sanguine expression.

"Thank you again, Sivori-ssi."

But before the liquid could touch his lips, a hand unhesitatingly slapped the glass vial away from Bamʼs hold causing it to shatter into pieces. His heartbeat quickened as the bluenet glared at him, eyes shaking and looking at him in disdain. The latter grasped his palms and led him towards the lavatory, jaw clenched and cobalt gaze blazing with anger. "I canʼt believe you!" Bam felt small, contemplating about what damage he had done again as of the moment for Khun to react this way. "Are you just going to unsuspectingly consume everything youʼve been given just because you think you knew them? Do you even know what you were about to do to yourself?"

"I donʼt understand you, Aguero," he muttered in confusion, taking a step back everytime Khun walked closer until his back hit the base of the sink. "What did I do now-"

Bamʼs words were cut off as Khun pulled out a handkerchief and rubbed it on his mouth rigorously, sending a sharp look which rendered the former dead silent on his stance. "Just because I was not by your side, does not give them a license to do whatever they want to you!"

The retainer wanted nothing more than to pull the bluenetʼs hand and lock him into his embrace, repeating his apologies like a verse until it doesnʼt remain unheard, and just let this temporary moment of reconciliation sink into his system, until it doesnʼt. But Bam was tired and perhaps, maybe Khun is too.

"Aguero, please stop." That he was right, and that maybe they needed a break from each other. "Itʼs bleeding."

He winced as the other pressed his finger to his lips more harshly, a metallic taste overpowering his senses. Khun froze as he came back to his senses, cursing incoherently as a trickle of crimson slid down the brunetʼs chin.

"Bam," the younger heard him call out a tired murmur, sighing as he wiped the trails of blood with his thumb, setting the stained cloth under the running water, cupping Bamʼs cheek as he gently guided their gazes to meet, and the latter could see the bleak expression resting on his face. "Stop doing this to me, please? I donʼt know what Iʼd do if my actions will put you in danger once again."

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