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"Oh," Khun muttered dismissively, the delight he felt earlier slowly dissipating as he placed the dainty bouquet on his side, careful not to damage the petals. "You took much longer than I had expected."


Aggravated hands grasped his collar tightly, aggressively pinning him on the bed's headboard without any regards to his injuries. Lero Ro stood by the doorway for a moment, frozen in startlement- helplessly so, as the woman he had brought with him seemed like she was dead set on lighting the bluenet on fire if given the opportunity.

"You were the one who kept messing with the timelines!"

Khun's head throbbed at the action, not because of the repetitive contact between his nape and the wall, but because of the ruined bouquet- multicolored petals creased and scattered on the tiled floor, immediately wilting. He clicked his tongue in irration as he witnessed the remainder of the flowers getting crushed by the woman's weight.

Since the day they met, he had never failed in keeping every gift Bam had offered to him secure. Yet now, this edgy fortune teller from a fugitive cult decides it was the perfect time to ruin his clean streak just because of some foreseeable future (he might or might not have intentionally fiddled with for the sake of it)? Who the hell does this woman think she is?

"You were the one who sent that note before the Crown Game," she muttered, eyes widening in realization as her complexion paled. "Why did you do it?! How did you know of my affiliation with them?! How did you predict the outcomes of the test, including what happened with my eye?!"

The blond regained his composure and sent the both of them a baffled look. "Hold on, what are you talking about?"

"Him! This Khun Family spawn- Khun Aguero Agnis! His path, I cannot see anything! Why does my ability not work on him?!" The redhead pointed at him, an accusing expression permanently etched on her face to which Khun just responded with his eyes sardonically rolling.

"Maybe, because you are an incompetent guide?"

The regressor scoffed when the lady's hands crumpled his button-up even more. He never really recalled her as character who had this kind of impulsiveness. Yet again, he cannot blame her for being so forgettable.

"The elders of FUG must be getting senile, having their pathfinders easily caught by a mere E-Class Regular." His demeanor shifted, the mocking grin fading from the bluenet's lips as he stared at her emptily, a chilly and unforgiving ambiance emanating from his weakened state as he leaned onto her ear and whispered, "So fuck off and let go of me if you still value your remaining eye."

Much to her utter dismay, the redhead had to retract her hold, letting the young Khun go against her will. Persistently so, she remained leaning against the side table, lips pressed into an unwilling line and arms crossed, still eyeing him on full alert. Paying no mind to her hostility, the bluenet gestured for the man of cadmium yellow to settle himself- anywhere, in particular, since they pretty much had the whole infirmary themselves considering this was the furthest to the test venue. Also, he held an unconscious, but definitely justified animosity towards blondes and if this person decided to sit too close to him despite the huge space, he swears to God-

Khun blinked, snapping himself out of his trance, trying to stop the tremor of his hands. His lips morphed into a sly grin as he faced them with the confidence of someone not in his age, but still of a full-fledged son of Edahn. "Now, where do I begin?"

✔ blue-coloured beginnings 「 khunbam 」Where stories live. Discover now