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"Aunt Agnis."

The womanʼs gaze swerved towards Kiseia who stood by the doorway, shifting her position as her ladies-in-waiting proceeded on adjusting the silver blue Swarovski Crystals embroidered along the asymmetrical trim of her white tuxedo jacket, making it so that it accentuates her elegance and mysterious ambience, but not in a way that would outshine her daughter. Elqenna shall become the highlight of the evening, and her irrefutable win on the Princess Selection coming in a close second.

"Kiseia, what are you doing still running around the manor?" Cynically, the matriarch motioned for some of the servants to dispatch as she eyed her niece with disapproval. "You there, retouch the young ladyʼs rouge. We cannot have an Agnis signorina looking like a lost cause, can we?"

Kiseia hid her embarrassment and obeyed the former, staying still as their hands adorned a portion of her face with crushed gems. "My apologies, Aunt. I have just returned after greeting a coach from the master at the main gate. I was hoping to get a confirmation from you."

"Master Edahn? Iʼm afraid I have not been given an advanced notice." Agnisʼ chin lifted, eyes glimmering in marvel at such pleasant news. She beckoned for her main retainer who awaited her new set of instructions. "Soledad, hasten Elqennaʼs preparations. Being late will not leave a good impression on the attendees."

"There is also a concern, Aunt. The escort said it was a reservation granted for A.A," Kiseia added, smoothing her dress anxiously as she bit on her cheek, trying to recall if she had any encounter with the latter earlier in the morning.

"Well, where is he then?" Agnisʼ brow raised, looking at the younger lady questioningly. Silence reigned the atmosphere between them, and the latter almost stuttered when approaching set of footsteps caught the womanʼs attention.

"Sivori told me that Aguero had gone ahead to the Main Palace to secure arrangements for us, Mother." It was Elqenna parading a blue moon quartz evening prayer accordion cuff blouse, accented with rainbow moonstone and black onyx ornaments, making her look like a celestial beauty that is meant to destroy dynasties. She straightened the crease on her cousinʼs Tazaki styled military skirt, a single smile dispelling the tense aura inside the room. "There is no need to castrate Kiseia for this any longer, is there? An escort from Father is waiting for our departure outside, and therefore, it is only right that we must make haste."

Kiseia could only muster a sharp intake of breath when Agnis relented, grabbing her crystal encrusted purse as she led the way towards the coach, with Elqenna and herself following her trails blazing with unwavering confidence.

"Announcing the arrival of the Agnis Family representatives, and their candidate, Lady Elqenna Agnis."

Speechlessness befell the palace as the aforesaid people strutted with sheer grace inside the venue, the audience speaking in hushed tones while calculating the possible trends that would blow up after the event. As soon as they were escorted to their designated area, they were inevitably flocked with individuals bearing different shades of blue waxing poetry and showering praises, eager to get on the princess candidate that is most likely to claim the titleʼs good side.

"My, Lady Elqenna. Youʼve really outdone yourself this time," a sardonic tone masked with sincerity stood out amidst the guestsʼ marvel. It was the competitionʼs wildcard, Khun Maria, in a dark blue wool dress, emphasizing her pale complexion, yet only made the former flash a wry smile.

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