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A beam of light formed between his hands- a subtle zap stinging his palms like needles puncturing his skin, but it was none the matter. Eyes narrowed and focused, like his surroundings never existed and it was only him and the unstable ball of shinsu. Yet, his hopes crumbled down, the baang flickered out as quick as it came, and then there was him and the instructor who had an unsettling smile permanently etched on his face all over again.

'Even in my own dreams, I am still nothing but a failure, huh?' the blond thought to himself as he awoke to the ceiling with a clenched jaw and a blank expression.

How fulfilling must it be, being born with both talent and the resources to hone it. With all the luck in the world bestowed upon their noble feet, and a future destined for power and wealth already set in stone that all you have to do is to walk it. If the Towerʼs favor had a living epitome, these were all the things Hoh never will get to covet and thinking about the person he will never become is fucking exhausting.

Thinking about all this made the spacious room seem restricting for Hoh, so he decided to go outside and hopefully feel refreshed. However, as soon as he got hold of the door knob, the lights in the blondʼs quarters suddenly darkened- his vision all pitch black and a slight chill running along his spine.

"Isnʼt it infuriating?"

"Who goes there?!"

A small orb materializing from the palm of his hand illuminated a portion of his room, yet he still saw nothing and no one. Before he could completely shrug it off as a drowsy phase, an eerily familiar chuckle echoed across the roomʼs walls once more.

"Being so pathetically weak that you had no choice but to endure and stand aside for those who were destined for the top since birth?" An ominous gust of wind blew past his right arm, yet he remained steeled and unbending. "Are you not sick of it all? Donʼt you think you finally had enough, Mr. Hoh?"

Hohʼs fists clenched. "Reveal yourself, you coward!"

"Calm yourself, child." Cat-like cadmium yellow irises stared back at him from a distance, restricting his breathing as if the feeling of peril asphyxiated him too much. "I am not the enemy here. You ought to remember that if you have any plans to proceed to the next floor."

"What do you fucking want from me?!" The horned man yelled, despite the threat latching onto his lungs. He loathed mind games, because he hated the feeling of being pranced around by a single entity like a puppet, and this is exactly how it felt to him. A lion who awaits hungrily, waiting to devour, and a mare trembling and buckling under pressure.

"Rather than me, I believe you have a lot of wants, Mr. Hoh. Who knows? If you desire them enough, I might give them to you. For a price, that is."

"Ha!" he scoffed in utter disbelief. "Did you think I would ever negotiate with someone who does not even have the balls to show themselves to me?"

"You could refuse, but is that really the situation you would want to find yourself in? Think, Mr. Hoh. Do you not want a portion of what he easily could have served up on a silver platter? Do you not want to build a name for yourself? To, for once in your life, be significant enough to save yourself from despair?" The blond blinked, and suddenly, the pitch black presence was inches closer to him- deviously smiling with a burning tinge. "I can give you all of that, and so much more."

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