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The absence of the ardor that had once embraced Bam throughout a certain period of his childhood pulled his consciousness back to reality. He doesnʼt want to open his eyes only to be dawned with the obscure and suffocating corners, and the dejection that follows with it. It was hard having to part from someone he had unresolved issues with, so what more taking in a probability that everything he thought he lived through had all just been a figment of his imagination?

The brunetʼs left hand tingled, a subtle but excruciating force stinging his whole arm which jolted him awake, and a hazy enthralled figure plastering a crazed grin charging towards him in impeccable speed, never giving his sight a moment to adjust.

"Give me that weapon."

"ACK-" the boyʼs airway constricted as he tried to pry away the rugged hands which wrung around his neck, squeezing it tightly as if Bam was a mouse who had been stubbornly evading its fate. The Twenty-fifth Bam had just woken up from a long and seemingly endless nightmare, and the last situation he thought he would find himself in would definitely not be being strangled by a girl barely older than Ran.

"I donʼt know where the hell you got that weapon from..."

She disregarded the pleas from her teammates and tightened her grasp around his neck to get him to loosen his left handʼs grip on the needle, but to no avail, Bam was as adamant in defending it with his life on the line. What more can he lose? Having to consume poison, dealing with being devoured by a high-level monster, and now on the verge of dying due to asphyxia- he could take it all, if it guaranteed his reunion with Khun.

The brunet managed to hit her head with the needleʼs hilt, creating the opportunity for him to kick the latter atop him away. Barely being able to adjust his senses to what seems to be a cell, he dodged in the heap of a moment and away from her attacks, evading the edges of her own weapon that extended all throughout the arena, destroying everything it can get a hold of in plain sight.

'If her weapon was this powerful, then what does she need the Black March for?'

"But it doesnʼt belong to you, so hand it over!"


Before he could ponder over his questions, Bam screamed as green thorns suddenly circled over his ankle, burying deep into his skin and dragged his weight off the ground. The girl swung the hook around, whipping him outside the cell and towards the large throne, never batting an eye at the amount of regulars spectating them. On reflex, the brunet shot a small charge of shinsu on his leg to free it and propel himself away from the center where his opponent landed, the wall near the section he was in generating an inhumane sized dent.

Bam felt his bones break at the impact, but held his pain back. Waking up in a foreign place three times in a row, and having someone after his life as soon as he awoke certainly did a number on him, but he needed to live through this crisis. He must. And he will. Itʼs all for Aguero.

Without giving him any room for recovery, she once again hurled towards him, grabbing a hold of his neck and squeezing it with murderous intent. Bam spat out crimson blood that built up inside his throat and pulled the girlʼs hair. Just as the brunet was about to ignite the needle, a blow of electric blue energy sent his attacker pummeling across the other side of the arena.

"Let go of him!"

The shinsu enveloped Bam like a force field, and automatically the tension he was feeling were all washed away by the secure feeling. The brunetʼs body throbbed all over, yet he managed to cast a look of relief at the bluenet who intervened at the right moment.

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