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"Say, Bam."

The brunet hummed in acknowledgement, and Khun found himself transported in another centuries-old memory. It was after a long grueling session with their instructors and both of them were either too exhausted or exhilarated to be able to take a good rest. The night was young and in full bloom, and itʼs been a while since they hung out without the othersʼ company, so why not bask themselves and catch up under the moonlight?

"If one day, we had to go on our separate paths and leave you alone," the bluenet started which made Bam turn his gaze towards him. "Would you maybe chase after us like what youʼre doing for Michelle Light- Rachel, right now?"

'Would you chase after me?'

"I wonʼt." Bam had said that so bluntly that if Khun felt a pang of pain twisting his insides, he would have had hidden it so swiftly. But, he was distracted from his nagging thoughts when the other giggled, his eyes crinkling to a pair of crescents. "I mean, why would I if Iʼm not planning on letting you go?"

The bluenet looked away and at the evening sky as he felt his face heat up. Maybe it was his fatigue talking, but heʼll let his guard down this one time, just in front of him and nobody else.

"Youʼre getting cheekier by the minute, Bam. I think you should stop hanging around Shibisu for a while."

"Donʼt worry, Khun." The brunet beamed, his eyes reflecting a golden ochre hue. "Youʼre still the best person Iʼve ever met."

Back then he wished the night- or even just the feeling it evoked, would have lasted longer. Yet, the tower was an unforgiving place, and people always wanted the things they cannot have.

Now, he happened upon himself clutching on the last bits of his composure, facing Lero Ro blankly as he laid his best friendʼs head gently on the moist ground.

"Oh, hey."

The latter tried to change his demeanor, forcing a smile to make its way on his lips as he approached nearer. "Bam."

"You know when we talked about the whole team going our separate ways?" Khun nodded, hiding his face with his hair which came undone from all the hustle. Bam chuckled, his voice raspy as he struggled to even breath. He weakly moved his arm, tousling strands of sky blue from fully covering his face with fingertips as freezing as ice. "Funny thing is, it seems like I will be the one whoʼs getting the headstart."

"Donʼt joke about your own death like that!" Bam paused when the bluenet exclaimed, almost like a whisper. "You must live, Bam! You canʼt go on your own and leave like this! You canʼt leave! I wonʼt let you!" 'You promised youʼll return!'

He still had more wonders to show him, and more things to teach him than Rachel ever could. He still wanted to take Bam to the top and place him on a place he could reach- beside him as he took over his plans of domination.


"No!" Why couldnʼt he ever have the things he worked so hard for?

"Khun, itʼs okay. Iʼm okay." A contradictory warm palm pulled him out of his trance, wiping the stray tear he never noticed escaping from his eye. Khun finally mustered the courage to look at Bam, who was once full of vigor and color, now shriveled up almost lifelessly. Blood continuously flowed out from the hole on his stomach, yet the yonder on his pools of gold never ceased. "Youʼre going to do just fine without me. You still have your dream with you. Claim it."

✔ blue-coloured beginnings 「 khunbam 」Where stories live. Discover now