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The past two days were spent with Khun being constantly interrogated by his ass of a family, and along with Ran, putting Bam through a crash course of etiquette lessons when meeting a family head. Unlike what the people involved in the other dayʼs incident had witnessed, what reached the peopleʼs ears was another exaggerated perspective- and one that hadnʼt mentioned Bamʼs existence.

It did not really matter anymore- Bamʼs existence being revealed to the general public. Khun Edahn already deems him as a noteworthy presence, and heʼd take advantage of that for as long as he could. So, why did they feel the need to do this? Did they really think heʼd let himself owe them for something so trivial?

However, these rumors made things quite convenient so, heʼll let this be for now. But God knows just how low his patience can go.

Now, they were granted an official summon from the main palace, waiting outside the shinsu-bound door with mixed feelings of anxiety. Before they could take another step, two of the elite guards trained under the Khun Family eldersʼ program stood before them, crossing their spears which blocked their entrance.

"My apologies Monseigneur Agnis, but this is as far as you are able to accompany the foreigner," the taller one stated indifferently, making Khunʼs forehead crease in confusion.

"Excuse me?" his brow raised along with his voiceʼs pitch. He couldʼt believe Edahn would go as far as to break his word, but the thing is, did they ever strike a deal in the first place? "As far as I can remember, I never had any intention of handing him to any of you."

"Lord Edahn wishes to speak with the child first before you could get to talk business."

"No," Khun answered firmly. What if his father does something underhanded and get rid of him behind his back? What if he offer Bam something he cannot refuse in exchange for liberty? There is no way in hell that heʼd let Bam enter the devilʼs den all by himself, damn it. "We never established anything. If he has something in mind, it has to be the both of us."

Bam held back an arm, clearly uneasy in the presence of someone thrice as bigger than he is, and said hesitantly. "Aguero, it will be fine."

"No Bam, you do not know what you are getting yourself into. Who knows what kind of horrible things they might do to you inside?" 'I need to be where I can see you- safe and secure.'

"The sooner we meet, the better for us, right?"

"Well yes, but-"

"Then Iʼd better go, right?" The brunet beamed at him, this time more than convincingly. "I know I can take care of myself. And if anything happens, Iʼm sure Aguero will always come at the right time, wonʼt you?"

'That was not always the case,' Khun wanted to add, but bit his tongue and sighed in exasperation. "Fine, but if they touch even a single strand of your hair, I want you to scream as loud as you possibly can."

Bam nodded, stifling his laughter as he followed the spearbearer, disappearing behind closed doors. Khunʼs grip on his knuckles tightened as the gentleness of his expression faded away once Bam had gone completely out of sight. No matter what he says, it will be weighing on the bluenetʼs conscience if anything happens to him this time. So, he hopes he made the right choice- sending Bam to confront an unprecedented variable.


Bam entered the hall, trying his best not to show the awestruck emotions he had been feeling, being able to witness such luxury. Everything glittered and glowed like the pale moonlight, and being subjected to the most of it was the man sitting remarkably on the throne like the malevolent ruler he had seen on picture books.

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