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The mansions bestowed upon the esteemed main family branches pale in comparison to Khun Edahnʼs personal chateau. Instead of pure gold which has long been the symbol of nobility in majority of the Towerʼs natives, the palace was embellished with more grandiose elements- built with pearlstone, and a touch of moondust, which are abundant in the Khun Familyʼs mines. So when the synthetic sunʼs light casts upon its walls, a spectrum of colors bursts out, catching the sight of onlookers like a spectacle.

But Khun had not come there just to marvel at the sight. He had spent far too long watching and wondering, awaiting the day of its downfall. Khun Aguero Agnis had plans, and he will make sure that Khun Edahn will become one of the catalysts to make them happen.

"You sure had some nerve, taking your time in making me wait."

There sat Khun Edahn with the same strikingly imposing confidence he exuded since gaining his immortality. Legs crossed, a small crown made of top quality suspendium resting atop his proud head, and a supple chin plopped on the back of hid palm that was curled on the arm of his throne.

"My apologies," Khun muttered, acquiescing to an insincere atonement. "I greet the patriarch of our esteemed Khun Family. It is an honor to have received a personal invitation from you, Master Edahn."

"You are Aguero Agnis, the notorious and sole victor of this yearʼs Grand Bout." Beside the latter were his new concubine prospects, and behind them were their attendants- all smitten by the man who could barely bat an eyelash on their existence. His hand flicked, and in an instant Edahn was fully dressed into a silver robe lined with electric blue, matching the hue of his eyes. "Branches were keeping an eye on both Agnisʼ offspring."

"So you have heard," the smaller bluenet muttered nonchalantly, a bored expression on his face.

"You were controversial for the past few months, and I was actually looking forward to the type of monster the Agnisʼ have raised. I just did not expect it to be so..." Edahn scrutinized him from head to toe, to which the other had smirked in amusement as a response.



He snapped his fingers, and the grand hall was emptied out in a split of a second. Edahn plastered a knowing smile and let out a low chuckle, as if seeing through all of Khunʼs intentions. "Needless to say, Iʼm impressed and you have caught my attention." On cue, Khun raised his head, fearlessly meeting the manʼs gaze with the same intensity as the latter continued speaking, "Now, name your price."

"I see that you have caught on, Father." The young Agnis finally let go of all his pretenses, a sardonic look on his porcelain face as he held his chin up, standing augustly with his arms crossed. "Itʼs not that much of a hassle, really. I want your connections, and access to all of this mothershipʼs facilities."

Khun Edahn raised his brow in sheer astonishment. It has been a long while since someone had the audacity to request something like this in his presence. "Intriguing." And this Agnis certainly took advantage of that fact. "You donʼt want to try swaying me into supporting your sister?"

Khun rolled his eyes. "I have no need for that." He can secure Elqennaʼs standing with his eyes closed. Doing so would only be a waste of resources.

"What about," the family head hummed, pretending to think out loud but was purposefully provoking Khunʼs attention. "A blessing?"

Khunʼs stance froze in its place. "Pardon me?" He was rather impressed at his ability to put up a farce when he was already mentally shaken. Does Khun Edahn actually know, or was he just bluffing to catch him on the act?

"Didnʼt you want me to bless the child whom you have brought from the outskirts?" Edahn plastered a condescending look as he grinned slyly. "Have you forgotten that a Family Head has the authority to grant special access to their territoryʼs shinsu to foreigners?"

The regressor clenched his fist as he muttered curses beneath his breath. "How?"

"Did you actually think that a child like you can hide an entity so seemingly loved by shinsu under my watch?" Edahn let out a hollow laugh, and Khun knew he cannot show even a moment of weakness at all in this moment. "Usually, such blasphemy could get you exiled, or worse, executed. However, my interest is too piqued to let this all end so quickly."

He then laid on his stomach and leaned his head on the throneʼs left arm, eyes piercing at the younger Khun. "Tell me, what made you go this far, son of mine?"

Despite the obvious display of authority, Khun did not succumb. If there was anything he learned in his past life about his father, it was that he did not want to be spoonfed with answers. He was an adventurer, and would play with anyoneʼs lives- letting them live for the sake of his entertainment, as long as they posed as a challenge. So, he kept silent, and his glare not backing down which made Edahn sigh.

"So you have sworn yourself to secrecy. I anticipated as much." The older grinned, as if preparing a hefty bargain. "Therefore, I have a compromise."

Khun somehow might have known what was coming, but he did not expect it at all. The rewards he had asked for was more than enough to plan for his and Bamʼs escape, but it turned out better than he had hoped for. If the outcome of this conversation will be to his benefit, he would not have to rush in finalizing his plans, and would be able to teach things Bam had to know in a certain point of time.

"What is it?"

"I will hold onto my offer." Edahn tapped his fingers on the pedestalʼs surface. Khun couldnʼt help but feel impatient and weak. He hated being led around like a noose was tied to his neck, and yet, he is too young to do anything.

'What in the world does he want with Bam?'

"Along with the rewards you seek."

He doesnʼt know why, and maybe it was just another trick of the light, but a hint of somber gaze flashed in his eyes before completely disappearing as Edahn stated. His baritone voice echoing amongst the barren space.

"But that is, only if youʼll let me meet that child."

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