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"Iʼm sorry..."

The brunetʼs eyes shot open in alarm, feeling the older boy beside him shift in his sleep, trembling. His breathing came in hitched, beads of sweat lined his temple, and Bam couldnʼt help but panic at the sight. To be fair, it was his first time having a person in his company and he couldnʼt recall a thing in his memories about how humans like him behave at night.

"Aguero?" But, the bluenet looked like he was experiencing something he also had before. Something the outside calls a nightmare.

"No, no, no!" Bam inhaled sharply before placing his hands on the formerʼs shoulders as firmly as he could, trying to jolt him awake. At first he thought he succeeded when Khunʼs eyes opened, but the empty gaze greeting him told him otherwise. "I take it all back! No, donʼt take him! Bam, please donʼt leave! Please donʼt go!"

"Aguero?! Aguero!"

The brunet gasped when a pair of strong arms pulled him abruptly into a tight embrace. "Donʼt leave me alone. Iʼm sorry, I swear Iʼll save you this time. Please forgive me-" Bam returned the gesture. He might not know what was happening, but what matters is that the latter needed it.

"ᓿᔜʼᖇ ᘗᖽᕢ᙭," the brunet muttered in another incoherent language as he wrapped his hands around Khun, rubbing small circles on his back. "ᓮʼᒶ ᗁᕩᖳᕩ. ᙭ᘗᖶ ᖱᘗᗰʼᔚ ᗁᕢᘴᕩ ᔚᘗ ᐻᘗᖳᖳ᙭ ᕢᒁᘗᖶᔚ ᕢᗰ᙭ᔚᗁᓮᗰᘜ ᕢᗰ᙭ᒶᘗᖳᕩ, ᘗᖽᕢ᙭?"

That seemed to comfort the bluenet enough to pass out in Bamʼs hold, his grip still tight which made it difficult for the smaller boy to set him down properly. He admits, it still felt uncomfortable being with someone elseʼs presence when he lived his whole life all alone for so long, but something about Khun told him that this was always how it was meant to be. Only a day has passed, yet it felt like he finally found someone he had been searching for forever.

Yesterday, when Khun and the person named Sivori guided him out of the cave and into another unfamiliar place, he felt excitement and fear surging inside him. Everything felt surreal and he was afraid that it was all a dream. When Khun wanted to bring Bam to his home, Sivori immediately disagreed, causing a heated debate between the two and only compromised when the brunet pointed to an empty cabin on a safe distance from his saviorʼs family manor. The bluenet promised to return after dinner with a scowl directed to Sivori, and here they are.

Bam looked at him as he played with the sky-like fringes on his forehead. He still hadnʼt fully processed what happened. Bam was just staring onto nothingness, dreaming of light, and the next thing he knew, a pair of heaven-sent hands reached out and held him like a long-lost friend. Why?

'Why did you save me?'


After a seemingly long while, Khun finally woke up.

"Wha-" golden eyes blinked and stared at Khun back. The bluenet noticed his own arms draped around Bam and was taken-aback, frantically pulling because he might have just made him uncomfortable. "What happened? Did I do something to disturb you, Bam?"

The latter shook his head, popping out a "Nope!" as he sat up on the mattress. "Aguero was crying, so I thought doing this would help. Is Aguero okay?"

✔ blue-coloured beginnings 「 khunbam 」Where stories live. Discover now