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"Aguero, youʼre here!"

Bam crashed into his arms, making Khun stagger slightly on his feet as tried to balance himself from the impact. He retaliated with another bone-crushing hug then twirled him around which came easily because the boy was surprisingly light.

"Woah, calm down. Did you miss me that much already?" He chuckled as he set the giggling brunet down.

"Time with Aguero is precious!" Bam pouted, a fiery determined glint reflected in his eyes. "And I thought you couldnʼt spend time with me 'till later."

Khun suddenly wondered if he had shown this side of him to Rachel in their past lives. Who was he kidding, of course Bam did. He was just that pure. And yet, if he did, how could she bear to just discard this devotion all away for a cluster of twinkling rocks?

The bluenet blinked, pushing all intrusive thoughts away to the back of his mind. "What? Who told you that?"

"Sivori-ssi, when we were learning languages." Now that he mentioned it, the boyʼs speech, although not as perfect, was fluent. Bam just had to take his prodigious ways with him even in this life. Though, itʼs not like Khun had not missed it as well. "He told me I mustnʼt disturb Aguero, or you will fail a super important test."

Khunʼs lips quirked up, and he ruffled his already disheveled chestnut brown hair, making the latter laugh sheepishly. "I always have time for you. So do not let anyone tell you otherwise, okay?"

Bam hesitated for a bit before his expression cleared up, nodding cheerfully. Soon enough, the brunet finally noticed the foreign presence staring at him with intrigue. He met his intense gaze, shifting uncomfortably behind Khunʼs back.

"ᖶᒶ, ᗁᕩᐸᐸᘗ?"

"Who are you and what did you do with the old A.A?" Khun held back a chortle as Ran looked at the both of them suspiciously. "I donʼt understand! How could a prick like him be this nice to someone he doesnʼt have any ulterior motives for?! It doesnʼt make sense!"

Bam tilted his head in confusion as the former flailed his hands to emphasize his points. This strangerʼs words were too complicated for his newly-learned vocabulary. "Are you angry?"

"Iʼm not!" Ran looked away in embarrassment. As insolent as he is, he doesnʼt have that certain knack for words. So, he faced his smug-looking cousin instead to distract himself from the pair of soulful eyes. "I just didnʼt expect it! Is he really the mystery person you were looking for? How did you even know he was inside that cave? How did you even manage to bring him up the mothership without alerting the guards? And you!" He turned to Bam, who unconsciously tugged on Khunʼs sleeve, as he rambled on. "Do you always run off with every stranger you meet?! What if he who decides to slave you away- or worse, kill you off?!"

Khun simpered at him and cooed, "Aww, is little Ran worried for his new playmate?"

"Shut up, you miserable fuck!" the younger boy in arctic blue yelled, his face flushing red. "Iʼm just telling him the risks of being with a Khun!"

"Aguero wouldnʼt do that."

Bam stepped out, walking beside the aforementioned, his eyes still clear of judgement. "I trust Aguero."

A moment of silence lingered between them before Ran sighed, cracking his knuckles as he finally met Bamʼs line of sight. "Fine. Donʼt say that I didnʼt warn you." He stepped between them purposefully, as if shielding the brunet from his cousinʼs clutches, intent on returning the favor to Khunʼs teasing earlier. "Iʼm Khun Ran Maschenny. You can call me Ran."

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