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"Are you really sure youʼre alright, Bam?" The latter sighed endearingly as Khun asked for probably the thirteenth time now, hands carefully threading the discoloration around Bamʼs neck as he cast a despaired look throughout his body- onto the bruises that scarred his pale skin and hadnʼt enough time to heal. "Does anywhere else hurt? Any more injuries I should know of? What if we forfeit from the bet? Iʼm certain that we can just come up with a foolproof method to steal the Black March back, right?"

Rakʼs head turned towards them abruptly, glaring at Khun in utter disbelief and was ready to pounce on them in defiance. Bam immediately interjected before the former could threaten them with his large spear, a light tap on the bluenetʼs shoulder to snap him out of his thoughts.

"You do know I can still fight perfectly fine, right?" Although it would be an understatement to call the dislocation of at least two of his ribs, the gaping holes on his ankle, and other things inflicted by the girl called Anaak, mere injuries, it doesnʼt mean it was the worst of what he had gotten.

Khun should know that the Khun Family Estate- as much as Bam loved his stay- was the epitome of worst experiences, and they all had their fair share. What most didnʼt know though, was that a part of the reason why Bam rose through the ranks as a competent retainer was his extraordinary physical regenerative abilities. Edahn said something about shinsu blatantly showing its favoritism, but Bam personally thought of it as a hindrance.

"What if something goes out of control again? Like, perhaps you going berserk because of the Black Marchʼs power, or a third party interfering with the fight-"

"You sound like youʼre almost certain of what will happen." The retainer placed a hand on the formerʼs cheek, an affectionate smile gracing his lips which urged him to calm his overthinking. "Lord Edahn said to minimize showing off our abilities, but we all know we canʼt limit it for long. So before all that happens, donʼt you think we should finish the game we started?"

What concerns Bam is that although his physical features are bound to heal in due time, he isnʼt able to know what happens within. The medics have already taken care of his more obvious injuries as Lero Ro explained the mechanics of the bonus game after he spent his time sleeping through most of it since the second test, though they still had no idea about the ricin he had initially taken. He just hoped Khunʼs ice could contain it long enough for Bam to make it through the following rounds.

"Fine," the bluenet scowled before his expression softened at the warmth of Bamʼs palm. "But I am definitely making you take the crown."

The latter inhaled sharply, his brows furrowed in suspicion as he crossed his arms in sheer offense, not taking a jab at his pride as an elite knight. "And sit the Crown Game out? No way. Besides, does it make sense that a retainer covets the throne meant for a ruler?"

"I am your rule, as you said. Didnʼt you swear back then that youʼll only take orders from me?" Khun finally let out a genuinely astonished chuckle as Bam pursed his lips and glared at him as if he was wronged terribly in all seriousness.

"I hate that youʼre clearly holding it against me," the brunet complained before they finally broke out into a laugh.

Soon enough, the timer started ticking once more and Bam had to convince Rak to stop before he could break the buzzer with his excitement. He readied himself as the following groups started to eye the throne, clearly discriminating that their team had lesser of the earlierʼs charisma. Theyʼre probably thinking that the odds are in their favor just because the defending team had a handicap. However, watching Khun, who was sending him a challenging look while looking so unbothered with the manbarondenna slung along his shoulders, he just grinned back at him and minded his own business.

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