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Some of the things Khun had underestimated in his previous life were the benefits he gained having influence over his motherʼs plans for his sisterʼs ascension as a bonafide Princess of Jahad. In the past, he used to think of it as a leash tying him down from acting upon his ambitions of dominion over the Khun Family.

His elder sister Elqenna, despite bearing the likeness of their mother, had been trained her whole life preparing for the title, meaning she is to follow whatever Khun Agnis tells her to do. Her will is Elqennaʼs will, and thus stemmed from Khunʼs meticulous planning.

Khun hated the fact that her sister would never be anyone other than their motherʼs puppet, and maybe that was what led him to believe Maria would prove to be a better Princess Candidate, resulting in him betraying his family. Although he had always told himself that he never regretted his decision, it didnʼt mean he was fond of the memory either.

Now though, he noticed that it was not as suffocating as he once thought it was. Like he said, all his mother ever cared about was triumph and nothing else, so aside from their occasional strategic discussions, he was left on his own for the most part. So Khun spent his time sorting out possible hindrances to his future plans.

As he made his way towards his usual spot on a less visited area of their territory, he watched bemusedly when he encountered another Khun child practicing battle stances and motions near the lakeside. He seems to be two or three years younger than Khun, and was probably pressured by his own mother to start working on his skills as early as now. The women in their family do have that same obsession for recognition.

A while after, he was unable to contain his grimace when the kid kept dropping his sword and/or messing up his footwork, so he decided to take matter to his own hands.

"You seem like youʼre having a hard time."

The younger boy paused, looking around before being taken-aback when his eyes caught Khunʼs figure sitting leisurely on the large oak tree behind him, plastering a sly smile. He couldnʼt believe he had been too preoccupied with training that he missed such a charismatic person.

"Shut up. Mind your own business," the former muttered almost automatically, raising his guard up.

"Your formsʼ all twisted." Khun jumped down the sturdy branch he had settled on and landed on his two feet expertly, giving the other a nonchalant stare. "And itʼs my business if youʼre hoarding my turf all to yourself."

When he had processed the events, the younger glared at him coldly, but as a Khun, he was already immune with that icy stare. "I donʼt need your opinion."

Suddenly, he tried pushing the older Khun back by swinging his shortsword aggressively. He had met countless family members in his short life, but not one did emit the same aura as the person in front of him. The latter was barely older than him, but the depth in his cobalt eyes told him that he had knowledge of things that shouldnʼt be taken hold by a mere child.

Khun smirked, clearly amused at the boy in front of him. He brought out the butterfly knife he had hid on his pocket and blocked the upcoming attacks, never forgetting to return the favor by overwhelming his opponent with the difference of their strengths.

"Then scram. I donʼt waste my time on weaklings."

Once he had said that, the boyʼs jaw clenched in agitation and directed more powerful strikes at Khun. He internally mocked the formerʼs lack of tolerance as he ducked on cue to avoid the weapon from grazing his face. Chuckling lightly, Khun sent a blast of shinsu to throw his legs off-balance, making the latter fall on the ground on his back harshly.

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