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Khun inhaled sharply, trying to calm his nerves down before it would have erupted. On reflex, he pointed his knife on the newcomer with a threatening stare, distracting the latter from thinking of any hostile thoughts against Ran.

"What do you think you are doing, Sivori?"

People say they should not chain themselves to the bitter past. Khun should have asked for a better fortune along with his wish when he had gone back here in the first place.

"I am only protecting the young master from the enemiesʼ schemes." The platinum blond had said those words so confidently that any nobleman would praise himself for acquiring such loyalty. Sadly, Khun would rather have none of it.

"Are you really?" The bluenet whispered.

"Pardon, your grace?"

"I said back off, Sivori. You are not laying a hand on my cousin." 'Or anyone that is bound to believe you, at that matter.' Sivori was dumbfounded at his superiorʼs sudden shift of demeanor towards him, but his focus was still on the youngest of the three, whose hand still carried the sword. "You too, Ran. Drop the weapon."


"Stand down."

Khun glared intently, making it clear to the both of them that he would use force if things wonʼt go his way. The two unwillingly loosened their stances, but that didnʼt break the animosity. The former sighed in exasperation, feeling his head ache once heʼd thought of their incoming meetings. He had once said that he is not the least bit fond of his childhood memories- more so reliving them- and this encounter was a mere fraction of it.

You see, before the whole tower ordeal, before Maria, there was Sivori. At sixteen he was the Agnis Branchʼs shadow guard, one of the gifts Khun Edahn had sent to his mother after her father married her off to the family head. He became Khun Aguero Agnisʼ personal trainer and guardian, and he taught him essential things for survival. It could be said that Sivori was his first closest acquaintance. But that was all in the past. Now, Khun wanted nothing to do with the man as much as possible.

"Ran is not an enemy," Khun declared, rolling his eyes when the child scoffed in haughtiness.

"He is a Maschenny, Monseigneur Agnis! The kid will only bring you misfortune!"

"I contacted him myself, and we were in a middle of a truce before you rudely interrupted." Sivori stiffened at his dissatisfaction.

He could care less about the guardʼs musings so Khun dragged Ran with him before his mood fouled even more. "Unhand me!" The younger whined as he tried to get away from his stronger grip.

"Shut up unless you want your kneecaps fractured, you imp!"

They bickered, until the latter finally convinced him in exchange of sharing his training regime with Ran, ignoring Sivoriʼs protests. Khun did not want to seem too hostile lest his regression would be found out, but it seems he still couldnʼt stomach the fact that he had to put up with whatever memoirs his life had for him in store.


"Remind me again what in the world were we looking for?"

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