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"Who are you?" Khun asked rather loudly, preparing his lighthouse and a dagger.

"Some people call me their savior, others call me their rule," the voice stated, and on the bluenet's front hovered a large magnificent scale. Its aura illuminating the rest of his surroundings due to it being made of sheer gold. "Some call me a messenger, and others call me the Son.

However, this tower calls me its God. Tell me, Khun Aguero Agnis," the depth held by the voice made the latter shiver, frozen on his stance. "What do you wish for?"

The lightbearer mustered the courage to resist, muttering blankly. "Nothing. It doesn't matter anymore, you cannot give me what I want."

"Nothing? I can't seem to believe that. Creatures are fickle, and full of worldly desires. Your nature, and your heart does not lie."

He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "I-"

"I wish I could've met Bam before you did."

The golden scale moved, a bell loudly struck three times, as if reaching to a conclusion.

"This is what you truly seek. You must not regret this, Son of Khun," was all he heard before everything faded into oblivion, and he had finally fallen under deep slumber.


Yet, the bluenet forced himself to stay awake because he couldnʼt handle the fact that he would be thrown in a situation full of unanswered questions.

"Iʼm sure thereʼs a catch to all this. Why else would the almighty Guardian grant a mere High Ranker such priceless privilege?"

"You measly creatures never fail to amuse me, unable to appreciate even the most taintless of gestures."
The Guardian chuckled in sheer astonishment, not taking offense to Khunʼs suspicions. "However, I must say that you are not wrong, Son of Khun. We have common goals."

The grip on his daggerʼs hilt tightened, but he did not let it break his intact façade. "What do you mean?"

An eerie silence filled the seemingly barren dimension, before it was once again broken. "I am quite sure you have heard of the 3 Sovereigns who ruled the Tower alongside Jahad at least once in your lifetime."

Khun nodded curtly. After several centuries of travelling from floor to floor, he had assembled ties with some of the Towerʼs most influential organizations- Wolhaiksong, for example. Once, when Khun Hachuling toured him around their base, they had conveniently come across Joocheon of the Sovereigns who was drinking with Urek Mazino. He had not much of an impression from the experience, but he canʼt deny a charisma that is so overwhelming.

"They have made the paradise I have created as a form of entertainment to quench their boredom, and tainted the lives of my creations. I cannot allow such insolence to form a greater gap and unnecessary bloodbath between my beloved subjects." The scale fell out of balance, as if responding to its creatorʼs anger, and made the man flinch. "However I have been sealed at the top, along with the floors above the 134th- reason why I am only able to intervene at this moment. Therefore, I must hand over this terrible request to you, Son of Khun, whose innermost desires led him to the the top.

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