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The Grand Bout had already concluded three days ago, yet the tension still hasnʼt disseminated. Expectant branch families, especially those who were lower in ranks, were outraged, rioting and screaming of the injustice their sons had gone through in vain, throwing a barrage of baseless accusations towards the Agnisʼ kin. However, even they themselves cannot disregard the one irrefutable fact- Khun Aguero Agnis is the sole and only victor.

After he and Bam sorted their feelings through, Khun had been quite overwhelmed at how well the brunet had adjusted to their situation. A part of him had expected to be ignored for at least the span of a week, or that things would turn awkward between them. Itʼs not that Khun would let it run that long, of course, but he didnʼt want to force and rush his best friend into confronting a foreign inner turmoil. Now though, it seems that Bam was far stronger than what he had accounted for.

"Your hair is getting longer," Khun spoke, finally breaking the comforting silence between the both of them, gently stroking the naturally curled chestnut locks layered upon his lap as he gazed at its ownerʼs figure in contentment. "Do you want to shorten it, Bam?"

The latter averted his attention from the swaying motion of the blooming patch of wildflowers back to Khun, meeting his gaze with golden eyes that mirrored astonishment. "Aguero knows how to do that?" his brows burrowed in utter confusion. "I donʼt get it. Is Aguero really ten?"

"If I told you that I am actually a lot older, would that make you like me less?" Khun let out a light chuckle, combing through a handful of hair between the spaces of his fingers. Bam scrunched his nose and pursed his lips, staring at him in incredulously as if the bluenet had just cursed someone. Khun flashed a lopsided grin, proceeding to poke the otherʼs puffed cheek. "Come on, donʼt look at me like that."

He could feel the weight of Bamʼs glare beneath his bangs which came out quite adorable rather than threatening. "Then donʼt say stupid things!"

"Alright, alright. Iʼll take it back," he muttered between laughter as he raised his hands in surrender. "You made it clear that youʼre not keen on hating me anytime soon." Khun ruffled his brown locks when Bam huffed proudly at him. "But Bam, youʼve had it that long since forever, and I figured you might find it hard to part ways. Are you sure you want me to cut it short?"

The brunet shrugged, a half-hearted grin hanging on his lips. "Iʼm actually not sure, but I just started noticing things." He rolled away from the comfort of Khunʼs lap and tore his gaze from the bluenet toward the placidly tranquil skies. "Whenever Aguero looks at me, I always felt like youʼre crying for someone. That it seemed like you were looking at me as if you were looking at someone else."

Khun turned silent but kept his intent stare on Bam, sincerely listening. At times, he tend to forget how perceptive and overly sensitive Bam could become if he was rid of answers.

"Aguero, do I make you sad?" Still, how could he answer a question which answer was something that was right in front of him, but cannot be conveyed?

"No, of course not." The bluenet shook his head, his voice soft and somber as he flashed a downcast smile. "There are just times where you remind me of someone I knew very well."

Bam crawled to his side and leaned his head to Khunʼs shoulder. "Do you miss that person even more when you see me?" He grimaced but asked earnestly, his dispiritedness never escaping the bluenet.

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