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Soon enough, they returned to their table whose boisterous bantering still did not cease courtesy of Shibisu and Serena— the kitchen staff right behind them carrying a number of dishes. Bam mentally wanted to pat himself in the back for adding a hefty tip earlier on check-out before getting completely distracted, marveling at the simmering aroma of spices blaring right at his face.

"How about the Jahad Princesses?"

Bam blinked as he listened in on them, letting the scoopful of the meal settle and melt unto his tongue.

"Didnʼt you tell me to cut Anaak off?" the man clad in purple flailed, but resigned in exasperation, playing with the salmon piece of his plate with his chopsticks. "But we really donʼt have that much of a choice, do we?"

Suddenly, they halted then proceeded to grin in mutual understanding. The brunet followed their line of sight, pinpointing it to Khun who seemed to have caught onto their intentions based on his accusing tone. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Hatz did a kowtow on his part of the table, yet still managed to let out a sarcastic remark. "We need a fool-proof plan to get past this obstacle, oh almighty son of Khun."

"Even if you prostrate yourselves in front of me, I will not do it. Never. Over my dead body."

"What?! But why?!" Shibisu shamelessly screamed, making puppy eyes and contorted his facial expression into something rather pitiful. The brunet covered the grin that crept up to his lips, feeling sheepish for even thinking about it that way, and continued watching the fiasco in front of him unfold. "Come on Khun, help us out here!"

"Well, for starters," the bluenet bit on the slice of wagyu on his fork before pointing it at the two. "I donʼt like them— and by extension, you enough to waste my time doing such a bothersome feat."

"To be fair, you do not like any one of us here except for Bam," Hatz stated in an as-a-matter-of-factly tone, reverting back to his stoic face as he tried to recover his lost dignity.

"That is so not true. I like Rak."

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah." He smirked. "Heʼs a pretty useful tank."

Both guys scrunched their noses in spite, simultaneously mumbling to which Khun just shrugged off. "Despicable."

"I warned you. Besides, those so called princesses were the ones who almost landed a hit on Bam. Just because they are of high status doesnʼt mean Iʼll pardon them. Iʼm a fucking Khun. I donʼt work that way."

It was all but a simple rule, really. Do whatever you like, fuck with whatever you want, but the moment a single strand of Bamʼs hair is misplaced, itʼs like a death penalty waiting to happen.

"Bam? A little help here?"

"Donʼt you dare drag him into your incompetence, you mongrels."

"Well," Bam scratched his cheek guiltily, but he cannot resist his new friends in distress. "Aguero did say a friendship is only possible between like-minded people. For us to get along, donʼt we need to someday do something that mutually benefits every party involved?"

"Fine." Khun once told him kindness was really detrimental for his mental health, and maybe he shouldnʼt have taken it too lightly. The bluenet seemed to be on the verge between breaking down and conducting a novena. "But you better handle those women by yourselves. I ainʼt letting you use Bam just because he executes my plans flawlessly."

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