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It has been four years since Bam was brought by Khun back with him inside the Khun Family Estate, and he couldnʼt say that time had passed them all by idly either. A year ago, under the supervision of his cousin and Sivori, Ran emerged as one out of the ten victors of the annual Grand Bout, bringing another controversy. Unlike Khun Aguero Agnis who plundered all the insignias to himself, Khun Ran Maschenny gathered all the holders and paved the way to victory- an unforeseen outcome which delighted his mother, allowing him to do whatever he wanted for the time being.

As both Khuns were busy with their own businesses, Bam underwent training with the instructors Edahn provided for him, monthly getting himself tested until his abilities are deemed qualified to become a retainer. Ran and Khun occasionally accompanied him if they were not preoccupied, and yesterday, he was fortunate to pass the final examinations with flying colors.

Everything theyʼve gone through led to this point of time where the main focus would be the Princess of Jahad Selection which was the highlight of every household. Since Elqenna, Khunʼs older biological sister, and Khun Maria who was the lady who had frequently visited them, had come of age and met the full requirements, the competition was fierce between them. It would have been understandable if Elqenna or other Agnis family members were the ones doing it, but for some odd reason Maria continuously approached him for the past years- telling the brunet tales of freedom and promising him enlightenment about his existence. But Bam didnʼt need such pleasantries.

Now, heʼs just tolerating her because he knows that if he lets her be, sheʼll pull some kind of trick up her sleeve to get what she wants, whatever it is.

"Bam-nim, focus!"

The brunet chuckled as he parried Ranʼs attacks with ease, counterattacking with even more precision until the bluenetʼs hold became tense. Soon, Bam did a somersault, kicking the sword away from the formerʼs hand and retrieving it as his own.

"You know, Iʼve heard a little rumor these days."

The brunetʼs stance stiffened. Still, he tried to avert his attention back to their ongoing fight to not seem so distracted. Ran has this habit of using training sessions to test out his own developed techniques, so when the latter started vanishing, Bam took it as a challenge.

"Apparently, Lady Mariaʼs visits to the Agnis Manor has been getting more frequent in the past months."

He sharpened his senses, his swords forming a cross as he blocked the youngerʼs flying kick. 'So he took the lightning pill,' Bam confirmed as the mark on the otherʼs cheek became vivid.

"For what? Donʼt tell me sheʼs playing friendship games now with Lady Elqenna?"

Ran cursed profusely when Bam released his swords in mid-air, catching him entirely off-guard, letting the brunet lock his leg and ram his body to the ground. A part of Bam wanted nothing more than to apologize, but he knew that the only way to make an opponent acknowledge him was if he took them seriously. He learned that the hard way.

"Are you kidding? Thatʼs as impossible as letting Master Edahn settle for a main wife!" she exclaimed, the high shrill of her voice was emphasized and quite aggravating. "I actually think sheʼs more interested in the new retainer. You know, the ghost of the manor?"

Strangely enough, Bamʼs identity wasnʼt officially announced to the public, even considering the incident back at the cabin. People in the estate only caught whiff of his background because his fight with the junior elites got slightly out of hand. Well, a lot out of hand, but thatʼs none the matter.

"But, there have been talks about how sheʼs vying for the monseigneurʼs favor."

It was as if something awoke inside the brunet which changed his demeanor. 'Seriously, whatʼs the use of whispering when these maids are intentionally letting us hear this?' Ran rolled his eyes as he assessed his situation. Taking advantage of the fact that Bam was in this dire, distracted state, he pulled a feint to the olderʼs leg, making him stagger backwards in reflex as the bluenet sprung back to his feet.

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