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In a split second, it was as if Khunʼs whole world had lost its axis— spinning uncontrollably without a fixed direction, something to anchor itself to place, something to give it profound meaning. Events spiralling on autopilot as he tried to deny the retainerʼs existence seemingly at deathʼs beck and call, a blond whose shoulders shook ever so lightly and hands gripped the handle of the knife buried deeply on the formerʼs chest, and the brunette staring at the both of them in distraught.

"Why the hell would he...?" Endorsiʼs lips quivered, the sharp pain draped across her back long forgotten. "I was the one who was supposed to take the hit... right? I just asked him to escort me, then out of nowhere that bastard—" A dazed, unhinged laugh vibrated throughout the walls and her body jerked in adrenaline. "That sick bastard, just came at him out of nowhere and I—!"

'I couldnʼt do anything.' Endorsi is a Princess of Jahad. Prides herself to be superior in all spectra and having the best physical abilities out of every E-Class Regular combined. Yet, she cannot even create a favorable environment out of the earlier situation because she was still weak.

"Rak," Khun called out, albeit slightly disoriented. Tenderly stroking Bamʼs temple as he cradled his unconscious figure with his arms, close to his chest. "You know how to hasten the clotting process using shinsu, right? Make sure Bam doesnʼt bleed out, and take the both of them to the infirmary within five minutes."

"Has the shinsu finally got to your head? Oi, Blue Turtle! The clinicʼs at least ten minutes away, especially now that I am stuck in this shitty form!"

"I told you to do it within five minutes, didnʼt I? Did I fucking stutter?" the bluenet commanded in a tone so hard-hearted, not even the giant could refute like he usually does. If a subtle shaking could be heard, it was Khunʼs secret to keep. "If you want your fair share of hunting the one that stole your prey then I suggest you better do as youʼre told or I might just kill it completely."

Rak growled in seething frustration, yet lifted both Endorsi and Bam in an uncharacteristically gentle manner as soon as he decompressed, never missing a moment to throw a dirty look at the regressor before sprinting. The young Agnis took it with a grain of salt before averting his attention to the perpetrator who was currently standing on the fine line between remorse and insanity.


Of course. Like an irritating insect, his jealousy still stubbornly transcended beyond the constraints of fucking time. Khun was a fool to hope he would at least be able to change the course of this future. To actually expect that Hoh was sensible enough to not make a dumb move. But witnessing the current events made him think that perhaps he should not have been so complacent toward a person who already had a history of betraying them.

"W-What are you doing here?! Get away from me!" the blond exclaimed in surprise, scuffling backwards as the young Khun slowly stepped forward, cornered against the wall as the bluenet towered over him with eyes as blank as a canvas.

"Oh, does Hoh-ssi still not realize how he fucked up? Well then!" Khun smiled, clasping his hands together in delight before staring back at Hoh, dead like the void. "You better make peace with whatever heavenly body youʼre worshipping, because I am going to pay back the pain you inflicted on Bam. Every. Single. Fucking. Ounce."


The blond screamed as the regressor fractured the arm which held the weapon in question into half when he trampled his weight over it, a crackling snap of bones and ligaments echoing the still empty halls which the latter barred over with shinsu.

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