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Iʼm sorry.

He felt stray teardrops bedewing what seemed to be his right palm, before all of his remaining senses escaped, trapped in eternal darkness, and the last thing he could remember was a dimming tone of illuminescent blue before it drifted away along with distant memories.

'Itʼs not your fault,' he wanted to tell him. 'Donʼt apologize, please.'


Who was he? Why does his heart ache whenever the thought of this person crosses his mind? Why does his vision blur at the sound of that mournful tune? Was it really blurring in the first place, or was the constant and everlasting abyss ruining his sense of reason?

𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓹 𝓬𝓻𝔂𝓲𝓷𝓰. 𝓘ʼ𝓶 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓽𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼.

Then the foreboding feeling disappeared. The emptiness remained and widened the void in his heart. Feeling like he was yearning for something long gone, he sunk deeper into oblivion.

"ᐺᕦᐸᐸ, ᐺᗁᕢᔜ ᖱᘙ ᐺᕦ ᗁᕢᘢᕦ ᗁᕦᖳᕦ?" (Well, what do we have here?) A voice rang inside his head. Rough, almost unwelcoming, but ephemeral. Like an untouchable being gracing a devoted believer of its presence. "ᐺᗁᕢᔜ ᕢᖳᕦ ᙭ᘙᖶ? ᙭ᘙᖶ ᖱᘙ ᙜᘙᔜ ᖆᕦᕦᒪ ᐸᓰᖽᕦ ᕢᙜ ᘙᖳᖱᓰᙜᕢᖳ᙭ ᗁᖶᒪᕢᙜ ᓧᗁᓰᐸᖱ." (What are you? You do not seem like a normal human child.) A booming sound echoed, as though the newcomer was laughing in sheer astonishment. "ᗁᘙᐺ ᓧᘙᖶᐸᖱ ᙭ᘙᖶ ᓏᘙᖆᖆᓰᒂᐸ᙭ ᖳᕦᒪᕢᓰᙜ ᗁᖶᒪᕢᙜ? ᐺᗁᕢᔜ ᖽᓰᙜᖱ ᘙᖴ ᓧᖳᕦᕢᔜᖶᖳᕦ ᕢᖳᕦ ᙭ᘙᖶ, ᔜᘙ ᒂᕦ ᕢᖆ ᖴᕢᘢᘙᖳᕦᖱ ᒂ᙭ ᖆᗁᓰᙜᗁᕦᖶᗁ ᕢᖆ ᙭ᘙᖶ?" (How could you possibly remain human? What kind of creature are you, to be as favored by shinheuh as you?)

Unwillingly, his mouth opened, and a loud wail came out of it. He tried to feel his palms with his cheeks, but instead came out as if he was a child flailing his hands in front of a stranger he cannot envision. Or maybe he really was, and there was just no way to know because he was forever bound to this darkness.

"᙭ᘙᖶ ᗁᕢᘢᕦ ᒂᕦᕦᙜ ᖴᘙᖳᖆᕢᖽᕦᙜ ᕢᖆ ᐺᕦᐸᐸ," (You have been forsaken as well,) the voice said in a certain tone, and he felt his body being lifted mid-air- a warm and comforting feeling welling up from his insides. "ᓰ ᐺᓰᐸᐸ ᖳᕢᓰᖆᕦ ᙭ᘙᖶ ᕢᖆ ᘙᙜᕦ ᘙᖴ ᒪ᙭ ᘙᐺᙜ. ᖆᘙ ᘜᖳᘙᐺ ᖆᔜᖳᘙᙜᘜ, ᐸᓰᔜᔜᐸᕦ ᘙᙜᕦ." (I will raise you as one of my own. So grow strong, little one.)

The brunet unknowingly shifted closer, the pain in his heart not ceasing, but bearable, nonetheless.

The child soon grew up with the little things he had and which were given to him despite not knowing what it all meant, but that longing never did fade through the years. Through the guidance of his foster guardian, he adjusted quite well with life under constant darkness.

Like the rest of the creatures lurking inside the cave, Ahjussi (it insisted) was a beast. Two large horns adorning its head like a symbolic crown, slick and wide crystalline wings, a strong tail, and sharpened claws- a ᖱᖳᕢᘜᘙᙜ, was what it said, bound to the habitat like the rest of them.

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