My boys

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"I believe you're at the wrong table." I lifted my head and saw Regulus holding a laughter. I groaned and grabbed a roll of bread.

"Technically I'm at the right table. I am a Slytherin after all." I yawned. "Hand me the eggs and juice, please."

"I know but you're always eating with Siri and the rest. Everything okay?" He handed me the juice and eggs and I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm just exhausted, that's all. Trying to keep my boys in check is pretty exhausting." I laughed a bit and looked at the Gryffindor table. There was James and Sirius arguing over a roll of bread, Peter was trying to split them up and Remus was reading and scolding the boys.

"Your boys, huh? That's cute." Regulus laughed with me and looked at the table also. "Are they always like this?"

"Believe it or not, they're exhausted. Sometimes they're worse. James almost killed Sirius once for eating the last slice of bacon. We take our breakfast really seriously." I yawned and started to eat. "And yeah. They're my boys. They like to deny it, but everybody knows that they're my boys."

"Oh Merlin. Jade, what are you doing?" Regulus asked as I stood up.

"WHERE ARE MY BOYS?" I yelled out.

"HERE!" The four boys said in unison and then they noticed. "WAIT!"

Regulus and I laughed hysterically at this.

"I told you. They're my boys."

"That they are, Jade. That they are."


"Siri, you tired?" I asked once I entered the Gryffindor common room with James behind me.

"Exhausted. Last night was the worst we've ever been." Sirius yawned and pulled me to the sofa with him. "Give me attention."

"He's such a baby, honestly." Remus rolled his eyes and continued to draw on the map.

"Tell me about it. Look at them, it's disgusting." James sat down next to Remus and took a quill and started to draw also.

"You two are just jealous that I'm getting attention and you're not." Sirius mumbled and hugged my waist starting to falling asleep. I rolled my eyes and started to play with his hair.

"He's letting her touch his hair. Is this isn't true love, I don't know what is." Peter smiled at us.

"I'm the only one who can touch it." I mumbled and closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"I'm telling you Lily, there's no more war. I swear it."

"Good, because I feared for your life when I found you and Sirius sleeping on the sofa. I even took pictures just in case." She opened her bag and pulled out a picture of me and Sirius on the Gryffindor common room.

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