Sirius Black only thought of two things during his 12 years in Azkaban: his innocence, and his wife.
Remus Lupin only had the company of one woman after the First Wizarding War, his best friend.
The fifth marauder, the twin sister to their best fr...
"A pierced ear? I leave for the hospital wing for three nights because I have a cold and I find you with a pierced ear!" I grabbed Sirius' face and moved his hair to see properly. "You are not taking my earrings, understood?"
"It's still for the aesthetic." Sirius shrugged and went to kiss me but I moved so he ended up kissing my cheek. "Sunshine?"
"I'm still sick so no kisses until I'm better. You're not getting sick because of me."
"But, sunshineeeeeee" he whined.
"No buts, Padfoot. It's only for a few more days." I stroked his cheek trying to cheer him up.
"Just one peck?" I shook my head. "A little one?"
"The answer is still no." I said between coughs and looked at James and pointed at the piercing. "Did you do this to him?"
"Actually it was Peter. I was on my way to bring you the homework before I went to dinner. When I walked into the Hall, the damage has been done." James handed me a small vial with a yellow liquid inside. "Dad sent it this morning before you came down. It's supposed to help with the fever. The cough we just have to wait it out unless it gets really bad."
I nodded and drank it.
"This tastes like goblin piss."
"When the hell did you drink goblin piss to know what it taste like?" Peter asked.
"It's a figure of speech, Peter." Remus said not looking up from his book. "Remind me again why you're sick, Vixen."
"Because she thought it was a good idea to run around Hogsmeade with the girls in shorts, a jumper in the freezing rain in the almost middle of October." Sirius rolled his eyes and put a hand on my forehead. "Fever seems to be going down finally, but you still look pale and kinda green."
"It's about time. Thank Merlin for Dad." I smiled and forced myself to eat some toast.
"We've done some stupid shit, but that has got to be the most stupidest thing you've ever done, Vix." James laughed and handed me some water since every time I tried to drink juice, I would end up throwing up.
"Shut up. We've got some amazing pictures from that." I coughed.
"Show us." Peter said. I opened my bag and took out the pictures.
"The before or after?"
"Both." The boys said in unison.
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