The aftermath

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"Seventh year and wedding, DONE!" I said and wiped my tears.

"So you two have been married for almost twenty years!?" Ginny looked at us in shock.


"I have a faint memory of the wedding." Bill said leaning against the doorway smirking. I stood up and hugged him. "Hi, Aunt Jade."

"AUNT JADE!?" Ron yelled.

"Yep. I basically became an aunt to Bill and the twins but they were too young to remember." I shrugged. "How's my nephew?"

"Tired as hell and in need of a nap. Charlie says he misses you and that he's sorry he can't write." Bill shrugged.

"It's fine. I don't want him risking getting found so I'm okay with it. If you see him again, tell him that I miss him too and that he better come see me someday." Bill nodded and left yawning.

"NEPHEW!?" Ron yelled again.

"Are you deaf? Yes, nephew!" Ginny said hitting him upside in the head.

"Who was the one who found the map Anyways?" Sirius asked. Fred and George raised their hands smiling. "Of course it would be the twins."

"It's a twin thing." Fred, George and I said in unison.

"What year?" Remus asked.

"First year." They said in unison.

"We gave it to Harry third year." George smiled.

"I'm impressed boys. Did the hints help you?" I smirked and they nodded. "Looks like you boys are natural born troublemakers."

"You should know, Vixen. You were in all of my classes." Remus said rolling his eyes. "Minnie said that it was karma for all the headaches we caused her."

"Yet she still loves us." Sirius shrugged.

"Harry, you okay?" I asked. He nodded and wiped his tears.

"Yeah, I think I am. Did you ever find out who ratted you out?" Harry asked and we shook our heads.

"We have a guess but we can't be certain." Sirius mumbled sadly. "It still was a good night."

"It really was." I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"So what happened after?" Hermoine asked.

"A lot of shit." The three of us said in unison.

"It's like reliving a headache again." I mumbled.

"The aftermath wasn't all fun and games and we've seen things that no teenagers and early adult should see."

"TELL US!" They all yelled. Remus, Sirius and I shared a look and nodded.

"Very well. Welcome to, The Aftermath."

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