A night to remember

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"WAKE THE FUCK UP MARAUDERS!" Lily yelled bursting into the room making the boys groan and Remus mumbling curses at her. "I'm stealing Jade from you today. You all are not allowed to be near her until six o'clock."

"Lils, it's like eight in the morning." I mumbled and sat up. Sirius yawned and sat up also.

"Wrong. It's seven-thirty and we need a big breakfast for today." Lily grabbed my hand and pulled me from Sirius' embrace who immediately whined. "Sirius, I'll be right back. Calm down."

"Whatever, Lily." Sirius mumbled and laid back down.

"The girls have just woken up also, we're going to the Great Hall for breakfast and then we're all confined to our rooms until six." Lily said happily as we entered the girls' dorm and I immediately threw myself on her bed starting to fall asleep again. She grabbed a few things and turned to face us. "I'll be right back and I expect all of you to be decent."

"Whatever, Lily."


~Sirius POV~

As soon as Jade and Lily left, I stood up from my bed and started to shake James.


"WHAT!? MOONY, WORMTAIL WAKE THE FUCK UP! IT'S TODAY!" James fell to the floor in a tangled mess.

"WORMTAIL WAKE UP!" Remus sat up and threw a pillow at Peter who was still asleep. Peter finally woke up and suddenly the boys were in a frenzy running around the room.

"What the hell?" Lily walked in and was hit with a shirt. "I came to give Sirius something and I've been attacked."

"Do you have it?" I asked Lily. She nodded and took out the box from the bundle of shirts.

"Here it is, safe and sound." Lily handed me the box and I hugged her smiling. "Like I've said, you can thank me at the wedding."

"I will. See you tonight, Lily."


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~Jade's POV~

"Why can't I sit with my boys?" I whined.

"Because you fucking can't. You're ours today dammit." Alice said and served me a big breakfast. "Today we're making you so beautiful that Sirius will literally die when he sees you. We're also making that belt explode."

"Today's the last day I'm wearing it, I swear." I laughed.

"Ladies, can I borrow my sister for a minute?" James appeared. "Just for a quick moment and then she's all yours, I swear."

"Make it quick, James. We have a tight schedule." Lily said not looking up from her breakfast. James took my hand and we left the Great Hall and went to the Gryffindor tower.

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