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"Do you have to yell? It's like six in the morning." James yawned and hit me with a pillow. "Sirius, control your girlfriend."

"She's your sister, Prongs." Sirius yawned and sat up.

"Before breakfast, she's your girlfriend. After that, she's my sister and your girlfriend." I rolled my eyes and jumped onto James' bed. "Okay, okay. I'm up. Why are you so excited all of a sudden?"

"Because I want to. Now hurry and get dressed you two, Moony and Wormtail are waiting downstairs with breakfast." I said as I jumped off the bed and kissed their foreheads and left.


"So they're putting us in alphabetical order which means that you three-" Remus gestured towards James, Peter and I. "-will probably be next to each other."

"Calm down, Moony. You're going to do great." I said as I walked towards Sirius and kissed him. "Good luck, Pads."

"I won't need it. I've had the best tutor all year." Sirius smirked and hugged me. "I'll see you later. Good luck."

"All right lovebirds, break it up. McGonagall is calling everyone to the Hall. Let's get these tests over with." James said as he put an arm around me and we entered the Hall. As Remus predicted, they were sitting us in alphabetical order which meant that I was sitting next to James.

"Mr. Black in the front, Lupin in the middle, Potters and Pettigrew in the back with Pettigrew in front of you two." McGonagall said as soon as we entered the Hall. We all nodded and went our separate ways. I sat down on my assigned seat and looked at James who was pale in the face behind me.

"Calm down, we've studied all year for this. We've got this in the bag." I whispered to him. James nodded and grabbed my hand in support.

"See you after this is done?"

"Good luck, James."

"Good luck, Jade."


"Moony what did you think of question fifteen? That one was so hard." Sirius smirked once we were allowed to leave before the practical tests started.

"Yes that one was tough. Five signs in recognizing a werewolf. Well let's see, he has scars all over his face, was sorted into Gryffindor, is a fifth year student, is sitting in the same chair as me, and his name is Remus Lupin. I gotta say, that was the hardest question in the test. How did you do on the essay, Vix?" Remus smirked and put an arm around me.

"Finished it in five minutes and then fell asleep. My essay was about animagus, and Prongs was about metamorphmagus. That test was a no-brainer same with the Potions one. I'm more worried about Divination though." I shrugged. "Let's go to the Lake, I need to stretch my legs."

"Why Divination? You just make stuff up as you go." Peter asked.

"I dropped that class third year, remember? I hated it. That's why I took Ancient Runes with Moony. Luckily Padfoot handed me his notes from that year and I was able to study a bit."

"Ancient Runes came in handy with DADA and Transfiguration, so you're welcome." Remus smirked and sat down by a tree.

"What time does the practical tests start?" James asked sitting down also.

"Like at three, I think. I have Potions first while you four are at Transfiguration, then we switch. After that is Herbology while you guys are at Charms and then the switch. And finally around midnight is Astronomy and that's the one I'm dreading the most." I said as I sat on Sirius' lap.

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