I do

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(Bring out the tissues. Second to last chapter before the sequel.)


"LILY SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled back and sat up rubbing my eyes. "Honestly, what's with all the shouting. I'm only getting married today."

The girls stayed silent and looked at me with smiled in their faces.

"OH MERLIN'S BLOODY BALLSACK I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" I stood up from the bed and started to cry. "I'm getting married today!"

"Well this isn't the reaction we expected from her but we'll take it." Marlene said and hugged while Lily and Dorcas wiped my tears. "You're getting married, Jade."

"I can't believe that one of us is getting married!" Alice said walking in the room with Mum holding some boxes and a bouquet of roses. "Sirius sent the flowers, James sent the box and your Mum is holding the dress."

"My Princess is getting married! I never thought I'd see the day." Mum smiled and hugged me.

"How are my boys, Mum?"

"Sirius woke up about an hour ago and started screaming, Remus has been trying to calm him down but started to scream also, Peter is trying to keep the peace, and your brother hasn't stopped crying." Mum rolled her eyes and placed the dress on the bed.

"Typical boys."


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~Sirius POV~

"Prongs, can you stop crying?"

"NO!" James yelled and wiped his tears. "My Padfoot and my Didi are getting married. I'm walking my twin down the aisle, I CAN CRY IF I WANT TO."

"Well technically Padfoot is the one who should be crying and he's not." Remus shrugged and slapped James. "Get it together. I don't want to see your reaction when you marry Lily."

"I can see him now. Him not sleeping and crying the entire day." I laughed and put an arm around James.

"It's my childhood dream, Pads. Let me be."


~Jade's POV~

"Two hours left. You wanna start getting ready now or do you want to cry a bit more?" Lily asked and rubbed my back.

"I never thought this would happen. I always thought I was going to stay single forever and that Sirius was going to get bored of me." I smiled and looked at the flowers he sent. "I love him so much."

"There's a note, you know?" Mum smirked and handed me the flowers. I opened the note and immediately started to sob once I read it.

One for each year we've been alive. The black ones symbolize the years I spent without you, the red ones symbolize every year you spent by my side.
I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now