Alice and Frank

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"Guys, it's getting worse. Look at this." I threw the newspaper on the table. "Fifteen dead, three sent to Azkaban and five sent to St. Mungo's with permanent brain damage. What the hell is this?"

"It's a war, thats what it is." Peter mumbled and looked at the headlines. "I thought it was going to be more, in my opinion."

"Another war!? But we're just now getting on track after Grinderwald. The Ministry can't afford another war." James said. "Did Dad say anything in his letters?"

"Yeah, he said to stay put and to not do anything stupid. That last part was directed at you, Bam Bam." I said trying to lighten the mood. "When will this end?"

"When the bald rat is dead, Vix." Remus said and took the newspaper from me. "This doesn't look good for the Ministry. They're trying to make it seem like everything is okay."

"Fuck the Ministry, I say. They're experts for trying to cover stuff up and miserably failing. And who the hell is Rita Skeeter? Merlin's beard, she's a sight." Sirius said in disgust.

"Stop reading the gossip columns, Padfoot." I hit his arm.

"I'm not! But it's just her face. She has the face of a liar. And liars don't have pretty faces." Sirius shrugged. "Do you think the rat is recruiting students here?"

"I don't doubt it honestly. I heard Nott talking to a few Ravenclaws the other night and he mentioned his name." I said and looked at Regulus. "I also found Nott talking to Reg the other night and had to step in for like the fifteenth time. That's the reason I haven't spent so much time in the lion's den."

"Thanks for taking care of him, sunshine. It really means a lot." Sirius said and kissed my hand. "You're the best."

"No problem, Pads. I really enjoy bugging the living shit out of Nott." I smirked.

"The main question is: what's going to happen to us?" Remus asked.

"We stick together. No matter what." I said and looked at my boys. "We promise?"

"We promise." They all said in unison.

"Good. Because I'm not being separated from my boys that easily."


"Bam Bam, what are you doing outside of Minnie's office again?" I crossed my arms and sat down next to him and Sirius sat on the floor.

"You know why, now shut up." James mumbled.

"I'm just offended that you got in trouble without me." Sirius laughed and leaned back.

"I was stopping Wormy from accidentally hitting Flitwick with an ink balloon. Minnie caught me with the balloon and well, you can see the rest." James shrugged. "I'll probably get a week of detention and a few house points taken."

"What about quidditch?" I asked.

"Minnie won't let me go. I'm the best seeker in Gryffindor. I'm the only chance that the lions will have in defeating the snakes." James said and put an arm around me.

"Mr. Potter, you may enter." We heard McGonagall call to James.

"Good luck." Sirius smirked.

"Shut up, Padfoot."


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