"Jade, it's not that I hate your brother. It's just-"
"Yeah." Lily trailed off and I laughed linking arms with her.
"Why won't you just admit that you like him? We're all waiting." I rolled my eyes as we entered Hogsmeade. "I see Durmstrang and Beuxbatons are here also. This should be interesting."
"Because I don't like him!" Lily protested.
"Fine, you don't like him. You love him." I teased and she hit my arm. "Violence is never the answer, Lily."
"It is when you say shit like that. I don't love him. I tolerate him." Lily rolled her eyes and I bursted out laughing.
"Whatever you say, Lils. Just ask him to the Ball."
"Why can't he ask me?" Lily asked.
"Lils, you've been rejecting him for like seven years. I can't blame the boy for being terrified of rejection." I shrugged. "What made you change your mind?"
"I don't know, Jade. I've spent a week trying to wrap my brain around it. And speaking of him, where are your boys and the girls?"
"The boys are probably at Zonko's. They just said that today was a 'guys day' and that I can't go near them until dinner. Alice is with Frank since he's visiting today and Dorcas and Marls are probably at the Three Broomsticks." I shrugged.
"Good, because I need a date with my sister." Lily smiled but it immediately fell. "Durmstrang student at two o'clock. My guess it's a sixth or seventh year."
"Hogwarts, right?" The random boy asked and we nodded. "Your school is really nice. It's different from ours."
"Good to know. Now, if you'll excuse us we have to be elsewhere." Lily said and pulled my arm walking away. The boy grabbed my arm and I groaned turning around. "I'm giving you five seconds to let her go before she kills you. You may think I'm joking, but I'm not."
"What's your name, sweetheart?" The boy asked me.
"Hell's favorite demon." I smirked and yanked my arm. "And as Hell's favorite demon, I don't hesitate."
"Even demons come from heaven." The boy smirked and held out his hand. "Name's Luca. I was going to study at Hogwarts but my parents decided that Durmstrang was a better fit."
"Did we ask for a life story?" I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Trust me, you don't want to mess with the likes of me. You'd live to regret it."
"A sweet Angel like you? Tell me sweetheart, did it hurt?" Luca smiled and Lily bursted out laughing.
"No, but it stung like a bitch when I burned myself crawling from the depths of hell." I crossed my arms and looked at Lily. "Lils, how many times have I heard that?"
"Way too many times to count." Lily said still laughing. "Oh Merlin, I needed that today. Thanks for that."
I decided not to mention Sirius yet because Lily and I were having way too much fun messing with him. I wanted to see how long it took him before he asked me or Lily to the dance.
"Feisty, I like it." He shrugged and I scoffed. "The Yule Ball's in about a month and a half, you already have a date?" And there it is.
"Actually, I do. There's this guy that I hang out with. You might've seen him around. He's kinda tall, wears a leather jacket and rings, kinda badass when he wants to, and looks like sex on legs when he really wants to." I smirked and looked at Lily who was holding a laughter.

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)
FanfictionSirius Black only thought of two things during his 12 years in Azkaban: his innocence, and his wife. Remus Lupin only had the company of one woman after the First Wizarding War, his best friend. The fifth marauder, the twin sister to their best fr...