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"You're just mad because it's Potions and Slughorn has it out for you." I heard Remus say as I left the Slytherin common room.

"Well you guys are early. What's going on?" I smirked and kissed Sirius. "Good morning, my love."

"Good morning, sunshine. Why weren't you at breakfast?"

"Cramps. It took me almost an hour to work up the will to get out of bed and get dressed." I shrugged. "Then it took me another twenty minutes to do the potion that Dad taught me."

"You have a cauldron in your room?" Peter asked.

"A small one along with a few ingredients that Dad gives me over the years. I need to stack up on salamander blood and bat wings. I'm also working on something special for Moony but I'm terrified on testing it out." I shrugged.

"What's that?" Remus asked.

"The Wolfsbane Potion. But I'm terrified to use Aconite."

"Wolfsbane? Why Wolfsbane?" James asked.

"It helps his lycanthropy. The ingredients may be expensive but that's the least of my worries. Aconite is extremely poisonous given the wrong dosage, and I don't plan on killing Moony." I said sadly.

"It's okay, Vixen. Don't worry about it, really." Remus hugged me and I sighed. "No sad faces, Jade. I'm more than grateful for you just thinking about making the potion for me."

"I know Moony, and that's what I love about you. But it's just not fair that you go through this every month."

"Before we became animagi, she used to cry every month when she heard the howls." Sirius said as he stoked my back.

"I still fight my tears every month in my animagus form." I shrugged and broke away from the hug. "I'll find a way, Moony. I promise."

"Can Moony and you stop being best friends long enough for us to survive a potions lesson? Thanks." James rolled his eyes and pulled me inside the classroom.


"Today we're going to be working on the Amortentia Potion." Oh shit.

"Shit." I heard James mumble and I nodded in agreement. "Why are you tense? You have Sirius. I'm terrified to smell Lily and everybody knowing."

"Umm hello? Player gone straight? Ring any bells?" I whispered to him. "I'm a bit scared I guess."

"Why? Sirius loves you and you love him."

"That still doesn't ease my fears, Prongsy."

"Can anyone tell me what this potion does?" Lily and I raised our hands. "Miss Potter can give half and Miss Evans can say the other half. How's that?" We both nodded and Lily gestured for me to start.

"The amortentia potion is a 'love potion'. It doesn't give true love but merely the feeling of attraction." I started and gestured towards Lily.

"When brewed correctly it's supposed to smell like the person you're attracted to and/or love. The effects can last from a few hours to a few days depending on the dosage." Lily gestured towards me to finish.

"There's a big risk here, for a child conceived under the effects of the Amortentia potion, the child is dammed to live a life not knowing what true love feels like." I finished and smiled at Slughorn.

"Very good! Twenty points each." Slughorn smiled at us and turned towards his cauldron. "Before we learn about the main ingredients of this potion, I want a few students to come up here and tell us what they smell. Who's first?"

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now