I'm sorry

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"So that's it huh?"

"Yep. That's where I go every month. A bit lonely really"

"It won't be lonely for long, Moony. Jade here has found one of the first steps to becoming animagi" Sirius put a hand on my shoulder grinning.

"Really?" Remus asked surprised.

"Yep. Mandrake leaf on the tongue for a month. I don't recommend doing it yet since I haven't done a lot of research about it" I shrugged and looked at Remus. "Just a while more Moony. Think you can handle it?"

"I've dealt with it since I was about four. A few more months or years won't kill me, Jade." We all laughed.

"Well let's leave this depressing place and go to Zonko's. I hear they have more color bombs and more things that explode." James said jumping up and down like a kid.

"Lead the way, James"


"Think about all the amazing things we'll do now with this!" We walked back to school after raiding Zonko's joke shop for the last two hours on Hogsmeade.

"We will create masterpieces, James." Sirius said inspecting the color bombs and fireworks.

"You're helping us, right Jade?" Peter asked.

"Of course! Wouldn't dream of doing anything else" that made the boys smile big.

"Even if it means pranking the Snakes?" Remus raised and eyebrow at me.

"As long as nothing gets out of hand and nothing is traced back to me, I'm all for it."

"Of course. Nobody would suspect the star student doing anything bad." James rolled his eyes. "How is it that you barely sleep but get good grades?"

"Sleep? What's that? I run on pure pumpkin juice and adrenaline my dear brother." I smirked and put an arm around his shoulder. "And besides, your pranks would mean nothing without me. I am the most cunning and ambitious of the group."

"More pranks, Potter?" Lily rolled her eyes as she walked right past us with Severus next to her.

"You know me Evans. Maybe you'll join me in a few of them" James smirked at the girl and she flipped him off. I started laughing hysterically.

"See you later Jade. Don't forget we have that Herbology homework due Tuesday" and with that she left.

"What the hell just happened?"

"You got rejected, James. Again" Sirius started to laugh also and suddenly, Peter and Remus joined in.

"Wait. Again?" Sirius nodded. "When was the first time?"

"When term started. He asked Evans if she wanted to watch him practice" Sirius said in between laughters. "She called him a toe rag again."

"Honestly James, give it up. She's not going to love you" I rolled my eyes still laughing.

"Oh, like you and Sirius love each other." He smirked and all laughter died.

"W-what?" Sirius and I choked on air and looked at each other.

"I don't love him. Look at the idiot. Sirius you should get a haircut"

"How could I love a Slytherin? I mean, she's a snake for Merlin's sake." Remus looked at Sirius wide eyed and Peter tensed up. "I would never love a snake. She's friends with Snivelus Trout too. Talk about deal breaker."

"Watch what you're saying Sirius." James told him calmly. I stood next to Remus and Peter with my jaw clenched.

"When the hell did it matter in what house I am, Sirius?"

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now