Brother and Sister

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"Didi, wake up." I felt James shake me awake but I didn't budge. "Vixen, please."

"I'm up, James. What the hell do you want? It's like two in the morning." I opened my eyes and glared at my brother. "This better be good."

"I had a nightmare and I need my sister." I sighed and stood up from the bed making sure not to wake up Sirius in the process.

"Get the cloak, a small bag and the map. We're doing a kitchen raid and then we're going for a walk." I yawned and out on one of Sirius' hoodies. James nodded and grabbed everything and handed me my glasses.

"Let's go before the boys wake up." James said and grabbed my hand and we headed towards the kitchens.


"Hi Dixie!" I smiled at the house elf once we entered the kitchen. "Is it okay if we get some snacks? James had a bad night."

"Of course, Miss Potter! Can Dixie make you two something?" The house elf asked us sweetly.

"Can we have some grilled cheese, please? We can get the rest. Don't worry about it, Dixie." She nodded and immediately went to prepare us the grilled cheese as James and I got some snacks. Dixie handed us the sandwiches with a smile. "Thanks a lot, Dixie. And sorry for barging in like this."

"Dixie doesn't mind, Mr. Potter. Dixie likes seeing all of you here, same with the other house elves."

"Thank you so much, Dixie. Hopefully James and I won't get detention tonight." I laughed and put the food in the bag. "We'll see you soon, Dixie. Say hi to the others for us."

"You're welcome!"


"The Astronomy tower? Really? I thought this was yours and Pads' favorite place?"

"It is. But it's too cold for us to head to the forest and the centaurs might rat on us again." I shrugged and sat down. "Besides, nobody ever comes up here except for class."

James nodded and sat down next to me and started to eat.

"We haven't done this in a while." He chuckled and threw me a blueberry. "Remember when we used to go to the Lake at Mum went crazy looking for us in the dead of winter?"

"Who could forget the screams? 'JADE AMELIA AND JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER IF YOU'RE SWIMMING IN THE LAKE AGAIN SO HELP ME MERLIN I'LL LEAVE YOU TWO THERE!'  When in reality we were chasing each other with our brooms."

"Her face was hilarious! That was the night we fell asleep in the snow and woke up struggling with frostbite right?" I nodded and James laughed. "Mum and Dad almost killed us for that."

"It was so worth it in my opinion." I shrugged. "Do you want to talk about the nightmare or do you just want to forget?"

"I think I want to talk about it. We haven't had a brother-sister moment in a while since quidditch is beating my ass." James mumbled and shrugged.

"All right, shoot. What was it about?"

"You. It was a replay of the greenhouse. I don't think we've talked about it enough." James said and I tensed.

"That's something I don't really talk about, Bam Bam." I said and poured us some juice.

"I know, Vixen. I don't like talking about also considering what I went through also." James shrugged. "Can I at least know what happened? You never told us."

"I told Lily. You boys walked in at the right time honestly." I sighed and wrapped the cloak around me.

"Wanna talk about it?" James asked moving closer to me and I nodded.

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