"Jade I love you, but your brother's a git." Lily said as we walked to the courtyard for free period. I told her about the whole dilemma last night since she was worried that I might go to Azkaban for the murder of my brother.
"Wasn't he a toe rag?"
"That too." She laughed. "Why won't he let you be with Sirius? I mean, I don't know what happened in the greenhouse but it must've been bad since you barely talked to anybody that year."
"It was bad, Lils. That's the reason that whenever I get detention, one of the boys joins me." I shrugged.
"If you don't mind me asking, what actually happened? Because I remember seeing your brother punch a wall, Peter was crying, Remus was trying to calm James down and Sirius throwing books and cussing everyone who tried to stop them. I heard that it got worse when they went to their dorms." I sighed and grabbed her hand and we entered the third floor bathroom.
"Nobody comes in here so it'll be safe. They were the ones that found me. They were going to help me escape detention since we had a big potions exam the next day. And that's when they found me." I sat on the floor and felt tears in my eyes. Lily sat down in front of me and held my hands.
"You don't have to tell me what happened, I understand."
"No. You're one of my best friends and it's only fair that I tell you." She nodded.
"Whenever your ready. I won't force you."
"I was in detention with Sprout because I set off some bombs and said something about the mandrakes that I can't remember. So my punishment was that I had to take care of the crying mandrakes for two hours twice a week. It was my last night of detention and she left me alone because I was finishing my work. I may be mischievous but I follow the rules sometimes. She told me to lock up the greenhouse when I was done since she trusted me enough. So there I was, alone in stupid greenhouse three. Suddenly, the head boy entered and started to tell me off and whatever. I wasn't going to have it so I started to him off also. And that's when it happened. Asshole pushed me to a wall and suddenly my skirt was off, my tie was around my hands as his was around my mouth and he was starting to feel me up. And I think that you can guess what was about to happen." I wiped the tears in my eyes and Lily gasped not knowing what to say.
"But he didn't, you know?"
"No. He was about to though. Luckily, the boys arrived just in time. I somehow managed to kick him in the groin and James and Sirius punched the guy as Remus and Peter helped me get dressed. They all took me to Madame Pomfrey and she had to give me a sleeping potion since I was in hysterics. James wasn't allowed to stay with me and that's why he was punching the wall, I guess. But I was a mess, Lils. Twelve years old and look at what happened to me." I started sobbing and she immediately put her arms around me. "It took me months to feel like my old self. But I fear that I'll never be that girl again."
"I had no idea, Jade. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. Nobody deserves that. Did you all tell Dumbledore?"
"We ran to McGonagall the next day and told her. She was the only teacher I trusted. She was furious. She took me to Dumbledore and demanded the student be expelled at once. Surprisingly, he did it no questions asked. That was my last detention alone. After that, they all made a pact to join me if I was ever in detention. When I got detention in DADA last term, Sirius immediately set off the bomb so that he can join me. It's their way of taking care of me I guess" I smiled softly.
"Well I must admire their dedication." She laughed. "What happened after?"
"I felt dead honestly. I was depressed and would flinch at any type of contact. They escorted me to the dungeons every night and you would always see me with one of them around school. I was never alone so that was good. James was the worst though. I couldn't leave his sight without him throwing a fit. He was always near me just in case. Sirius was the one who always tried to make me laugh. If I would smile once, he'd do a dance celebrating and that would always make me laugh. He was the one who brought me back to my old self. Remus would always give me sweets and Peter would distract me by playing gobstones or chess." I smiled at the memory.

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)
FanfictionSirius Black only thought of two things during his 12 years in Azkaban: his innocence, and his wife. Remus Lupin only had the company of one woman after the First Wizarding War, his best friend. The fifth marauder, the twin sister to their best fr...