Christmas Break

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"Good morning, Sirius" I smiled and sat down next to him. He was looking rather sad. "Everything okay?"

"I don't know. You slept well?"

"We're not talking about me, we're talking about you. And where are the rest of the boys?" I looked around at the rather empty table.

"Helping Peeves with something. I wasn't in the mood." He grabbed a plate and served me breakfast. "Here, you need to eat."

"Sirius, what's going on?" He was looking at the Slytherin table where Narcissa Black was sitting and she was also looking rather glum until Head Boy Lucius Malfoy sat next to her. "Something wrong with Narcissa?"

"No. Cissy's fine I think, so is Andy. It's Bellatrix" he handed me a letter and I read it.

"You're going home?"

"Yeah and that's not all. Apparently Bellatrix is getting married to a Lestrange" Sirius rolled his eyes and glared at his breakfast. "Something's wrong. I can feel it."

"Do you want me to go to the wedding with you? I won't mind and I'm sure Mum and Dad won't either." I leaned towards him and he sighed putting an arm around me.

"You'd do that? But you hate my Mum."

"I'm going for you, not that bitch witch. No offense." Sirius laughed at this.

"None taken, Jade. I'll have to ask her if I can bring a guest or two. But what about Moony?"

"Zippy and Peter can watch over him. It's only a few days" I told him.

"I don't know, Jade. I don't want you caught in a family feud." Sirius said hesitating.

"Don't make me go and ask your cousin if I can go. I mean, she's in my house and all. And I have no doubt in my mind that Cissy will say yes." I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I'll ask Mum but I can't promise that she'll be 100% on board"

"Sirius, I'm a Slytherin. She'll say yes on the fact that I'm a snake" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. I'll write to her tonight. And it'll be nice to have a friend around." He smiled slightly and I hugged him cheering him up. "Now you really should eat some breakfast before James, Peter and Moony come."

I laughed and ate my breakfast in silence. Sirius still had an arm around me and some girls were glaring at me but I paid no mind to that.

"Sirius, you better have a good excuse to miss that prank. It was comedy gold. Mrs. Norris is going to be puking colored hair balls for months." James sat down across from us and noticed Sirius' glum look. "What's wrong?"

I chose to answer for Sirius.

"His cousin is getting married and he has to go home for break. And no, it's not Narcissa. It's Bellatrix."

"Who's she marrying?" Remus asked serving himself some breakfast.

"Rodulphus Lestrange." Sirius spat out and I saw Peter tense up. "Something is very odd. She said that she didn't plan on marrying"

"You know how your family is with blood status and all, Sirius. It was bound to happen." I told him.

"Yeah, but I always thought it was going to be with a Flint or even Nott."

"Nott's in our year. That's just wrong." I shuddered. "And didn't Flint already get married or something?"

"I think so. At least that's what I heard. But we have the younger Flint here too, remember?" James shrugged. "So when's the wedding?"

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now