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Jade Potter

Sweet little lies- bülow
"I wonder if the sun will shine again, if I'll ever see your face again."

11 minutes- Yungblud
"I would sell my soul for a bit more time."

Glass house- MGK
"Life's been hard since seventeen. I've been through hell, I think I'm somewhere in between."

Paint it black- Rolling Stones
"I look inside myself and my heart is black. I see my red door and I must have it painted black."

Venom- Icon for Hire
"I haven't been myself in quite a while, you know?"

Blood// Water- Grandson
"Look me in my eyes. Tell me everything's not fine"

I see red- Everyone loves an outlaw
"Did you really think I'd just forgive and forget?"

Lonely- MGK
"I'm lonely, even when the room is full."

Daisy- Ashnikko
"Fuck a Princess, I'm a king, bow down and kiss on my ring."
"I'm crazy but you like that, I bite back."

Sirius Black

Run boy run- woodkid
"Run boy run. This world is not made for you."

Little game- Benny
"Don't you think it's funny how they tell us how to live?"

Ashes- Stellar
"I fell in love with a girl I met in hell."

Paralyzed- NF
"Where is the real me? I'm lost and it kills me."

I'll be good- James Young
"My past has tasted bitter for years now, so I wield an iron fist."

11 minutes- Yungblud
"I've seen you in my head every fucking day since I left."
"All I want is your head on my chest and touching feet."

Parents- Yungblud
"It's all right because parents ain't always right."

James Potter

Psychotic kids- Yungblud
"Psychotic kids, we've got to keep control of them."

Death by Rock and Roll- The Pretty Reckless
"On my tombstone when I go, just put death by rock and roll."

I was here- Beyoncé
"I will leave my mark so everyone will know I was here."

When the Bell tolls- Anthony Ramos
"I'm not ready. But we don't choose when the Bell tolls."

Drunk face- MGK
"I'm still young. I'm wasting my youth, I'll grow up next summer."

Death in my pocket- MGK
"Don't know why but it feels as if my world is crashing down."

Stop- Anthony Ramos
"Just stop. Breathe it in for a moment."

Remus Lupin

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