Summer Break

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"Your first year is done for, Reg. Did you enjoy it?"

"I actually did. Thanks for being there, Jade." Regulus smiled as we walked towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

"It's no problem at all, Reg. If ever you need me, I'll either be in the Gryff house with the boys or probably in detention. But I'll make exceptions for you." I ruffled up his hair and walked towards the Gryffindor table where the boys were already there. "Good morning, boys."

"Morning, Vixen." They said in unison.

"Didi, you have to see this." James handed me a copy of the Daily Prophet and I gasped almost losing my balance. Sirius caught me and forced me to sit down.

"13 attacks!? 5 muggle-borns dead!? How could this happen?" I said teary-eyed. "Oh Merlin, who could've done this?"

"I have a pretty good guess." James pointed at the Slytherin table where a few were reading the news and laughing.

"James, stop it. That's my house you're talking about."

"I'm just stating the facts, Didi. Look at them, they're enjoying this."

"I know, Bam Bam. But still, you shouldn't be jumping to conclusions. At least not yet. Not all Slytherins are bad, we're just misunderstood." I shrugged and handed him the newspaper.

"Name one." James rolled his eyes.

"Merlin was a Slytherin, dumbass. And there's someone else who's not evil, but who? Oh, that's right! YOUR SISTER!" I leaned up and whacked him in the head. "And there's plenty more that I don't remember. We're not evil James, just like not all Gryffindors are brave, not all Huffs are kind and not all Ravenclaws are wise. We're put in our houses by our traits and honestly, this whole war between houses is making me sick. I can't walk into your house without at least 7 students sending me death glares. It's annoying."

"Sometimes I ask myself why were you sorted into Slytherin. Then I see your grades and think of all the pranks we pulled with you that makes me remember why." Remus shrugged.

"What does her grades have to do with it?" Sirius asked confused.

"It shows her ambition. In the one Charms test we all failed, she got an Exceeds Expectations. It shows her ambition and determination I guess. And the pranks it just shows her cunning side. Think about it, every time we plan something ourselves we always get caught. But then comes Vixen to save the day and manages to get us mostly out of trouble. And whenever she plans things, they go without a hitch. Filch is still wondering who turned Mrs. Norris red and green when the year started." I laughed at the memory.

"She also came up with the idea for the map and she researched everything about animagi." Peter added.

"Well when you put it like that, then yes. She's a literal snake. But she's also kind and that tips the scale in my opinion." Sirius said and started to play with my hair. "Sometimes she's too nice."

"Well, she gave you a chance, Pads. That just shows how nice she is."

"Shut up James and eat your breakfast. We leave today for home." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't remind me." Sirius mumbled. I grabbed his hand and kissed it.

"You'll owl everyday right? And you'll visit?" Sirius smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I'll visit as much as I can and I promise I'll owl every chance I get, sunshine. Don't worry about it." Sirius looked at Remus and Peter. "And what about you two? You're still visiting right?"

"Yep. We don't plan on leaving you with that witch bitch alone all summer. We'll visit as much as we can." Sirius nodded and calmed down a bit.


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