The flirt

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"So we're good on the plan?" I asked everybody who nodded. "Good. And remember, Sirius doesn't know anything."

"Which explains why he's not here." James pointed out.

"Yes, thank you Captain Obvious. Now, I'm going to send an owl to my Mum and Dad and let them know when to send the stuff. Lily and Alice, I know I have you two a lot of work. But can you make sure there's cake?" The girls nodded. "Great! James and Peter, we're gonna need firewhiskey and lots of it. His birthday is on a Saturday so we'll deal with the hangover on Sunday and be ready for class on Monday. It's absolutely foolproof!"

"Wait, where's Remus? Shouldn't he be here?" Dorcas pointed out.

"I'll brief Remus later on what he's gonna do. Right now, he's supposed to be studying with Sirius over some stupid shit long enough for me to have this meeting." I said and sat down.

"Why are we doing this now? His birthday is in like a month." Peter pointed out and I sighed.

"Owls take time, Peter. And it's better to do everything now before Sirius becomes suspicious." Lily said and I nodded in agreement.

"So we're good?" They all nodded. "Good. I expect to see owls flying around in the next couple of days. And remember, especially you James, Sirius can't know anything."

"Why me!?" James yelled.

"Because you ruin stuff. Remember the last time we tried to do a party for Remus? You literally ratted us out before I even got the cake done." I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find two of my boys before Remus kills Sirius about something stupid."


~Sirius POV~

"Remind me again why are we studying for Herbology? We had our test last week."

"Because Vixen said so and you do everything she says." Remus smirked.

"I don't do anything she says. I'm my own man. In fact, I even literally wear the pants in the relationship. She wears the skirts." I rolled my eyes and looked around to see if Jade wasn't there. She'd literally kill me.

"Whatever you say, Padfoot. Just admit that she has you wrapped around her finger. You two have been dating for over a year now."

"So? That don't mean that she's the one who has me wrapped around her finger."

"Oh yeah? Since the moment you two met, there wasn't anything you wouldn't do for her. She could say that she was going to jump off the astronomy tower and you'd jump first to make sure it was safe for her. Stop pretending and accept that she wears the pants." Remus laughed. I mumbled an agreement and continued to look at my notes when I saw a fox patronus run towards Remus.

"That's Vix's patronus, is she okay?" I stood up but Remus made me sit back down.

"She's fine. Vixen was just doing me a favor, calm down. I'll be right back, just stay here and don't do anything stupid Padfoot." Remus stood up and gave me a stern look before leaving. "I mean it. Do your homework or something."

I rolled my eyes and continued to do my Charms homework alone when a random Ravenclaw sat down next to me.

"Umm, you lost or something?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "This table is kinda taken, so-"

"Name's Kira." She held out her hand but I just stared at it.

"I literally didn't ask, but okay then. Name's-"

"Sirius Black. Chaser for Gryffindor, right?" I nodded still not understanding where the hell did she come here for. "Need help with Charms?"

"Umm, no. My girlfriend and best friend will literally be here in a few minutes so, I'm good. See ya." I waved her off returning to my homework but she took my quill. "You do know that I need that right? If you'd be so kind to return that to me, I'd appreciate it." She put it under her shirt and I cringed.

"Get it, then." She smirked and leaned back. I sighed and took a quill that Jade got me during third year. I held it up for her to see and smirked.

"No thanks, you can keep it. My girlfriend makes sure I have a spare quill or two. Now I suggest you leave before she comes and makes you regret the day you were ever born."

"I've seen her around. It's Jade Potter right? She doesn't look so tough. And I thought you hated Slytherins." She shrugged.

"So?" I rolled my eyes.

"So then why are you with her since you hate snakes? She's not even worth it."

"Listen here, what's-your-face. I'm being fucking serious here. Fucking leave me the fuck alone to do my fucking homework and don't talk shit about my girl before I do something I might regret and it's not what you think so stop giving me that look." I glared at her.

Jade where the hell are you?


~Jade's POV~

"So everybody is clear?" Remus asked and I nodded.

"Yep. Now let's go and get Pads before he does something stupid and sets his homework on fire again." I grabbed his hand and walked towards the library where I saw a Ravenclaw and Sirius talking. "This should be fun. Pads look uncomfortable as hell."

"Who's that?" Remus asked holding a laughter.

"Remember when I was doing commentary and called out three Ravenclaws for flashing?" He nodded. "I present to you the main bitch."

"Oh, this should be hilarious." Remus and I hid behind a bookshelf and watched the show.


~Sirius POV~

"Oi! I'm not fucking around. Just back off and let me do my homework in peace." I glared at her again. "Ever heard of girls supporting girls? That includes not messing with their boyfriends. Here I am loyal as hell, and in comes a bitch trying to ruin my day."

"I don't see her here." She leaned up to kiss me but was suddenly yanked away from an angry Jade. Oh hell no.


~Jade's POV~

"Excuse me, bitch?" Kira looked back at me and I gave her a death glare.

"Fine, you're excused. I'm gonna ask this once. What the hell were you doing with my boyfriend?"

"Oh shit." Remus mumbled and moved next to Sirius.

"What does it look like, Potter? He came on to me." She smirked and I laughed.

"Sunshine, it's not what it-"

"I know, I saw everything." I chuckled. Sirius sighed in relief and Remus started laughing hysterically. "Remus, shut up before we get kicked out again."

"I think Jade has got that covered. Someone hold her back before she bitchslap somebody." Remus moved next to me but I glared at him. "Okay, maybe not."

"I'm feeling nice today, bitch. Just leave and I won't hex you into next year." I punched the bridge of my nose. The bitch laughed and I sighed deeply and gave the boys a look and took out my wand. "Fineeeeee. But I warned you. Anteoculatia."

Sirius and Remus held in a laughter as antlers started to grow in the bitch's head.

"Guys, we better get out of here before Pince kills us." Remus and Sirius grabbed my hands and we ran towards the exit of the library. "Vixen, this is why we don't take you anywhere. You go and do shit like this."

"But I made you two laugh right?" I smirked. "Now we hide before she comes and kills me with those antlers."

"Remind me to never cheat on you." Sirius laughed.

"Oh, I won't do that if you cheat on me. No, I plan on doing something far worse." I shrugged.

"Like what?" The boys said in unison.

"Let's just hope that it never happens. For Sirius' sake." I kissed Sirius' cheek as he tensed.

"You scare me sometimes, you know?" Sirius mumbled.

"I know. And I don't care."

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now