Intermission pt. 3

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"And that's how Sirius came to live with us and left this wretched place." I smiled. "Highlight of my school years if I'm being honest."

"Why?" Ginny asked.

"Over the summers she worried constantly and wrote letters to me telling me to visit Sirius whenever she couldn't go." Remus said and grabbed butterbeers for all of us. "I'm just surprised it didn't happen sooner."

"I thought about it." Sirius shrugged and looked at me. "You still have the rings right?"

I nodded and took out the chain that I always wear under my clothes.

"All three rings are right here. And James' house ring that I stole from him after graduation." I smiled softly and looked at it. "I kept it around because those twelve years weren't easy for me or Moony."

"Those years were hell, Vix." Remus said and looked at the rings. "I almost forgot about the ring I got you. You don't wear it anymore."

"And risk it getting stolen or lost? No chance in hell, Moony

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"And risk it getting stolen or lost? No chance in hell, Moony. These rings mean the world to me."

"What about the wedding ring? I don't see it there." Sirius pointed out.

"That's because after you escaped Azkaban, I had it resized and started to wear it again. But before that, I had it on this chain. And fun fact about the chain, it was Lily's. I took it the day I was forced to clean out the house after what happened." I mumbled the last part and looked at Harry. "You can have them, you know? I could give you the ring and the chain." I started to take off my necklace but Harry stopped me.

"You need it more than I do, Jade. It's like you still have a piece of my dad with you. I really don't mind." Harry smiled at me and I fought the slight tears that were forming.

"Does it ever get easier?" Hermoine asked.

"It really doesn't. Time doesn't heal all wounds, it just shows you how to deal with it. Bam bam and I did everything together and then he did the one thing we said we'd do together. I honestly hate him for that." I laughed softly and Sirius and Remus put their arms around me in support. "The good thing was that I had Moony and he had me. If not, then I probably would've gotten myself killed by doing some stupid shit as always. Losing a sibling is tough, but losing your other half is even tougher. I just hope that it never happens to you two." I said gesturing towards George and Fred.

"It won't." The twins said in unison.

"It better not happen." I told them sternly.

"Let's just continue the stories before Vixen brings out the waterworks again." Sirius said and kissed my temple. "PICTURE TIME!"

"There's a lot of pictures here, I think. This was the summer that everybody started to get along and the girls started to trust Sirius and James with the pranks." I smiled and opened the box that Sirius handed me.

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