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"Hey Peter, have you seen Remus?"

"I haven't. Didn't he have another transformation last night?"

"He did, that's why I'm asking. I just got the chocolates that mom sent and I'm giving it to him" I gestured towards the bag of chocolates next to me. "He's in you house so that's why I'm asking. He wasn't at breakfast so we just assumed he was with Madame Pomfrey"

"He didn't come by the common room once, Jade. Now that I think of it, I haven't seen him all day" this got my attention.

"Let's go check at the hospital wing just in case. If not then, I'll pull James and Sirius out of quidditch practice so that we can look for him" Peter nodded and we left for the hospital wing.


"I'm sorry Potter, Mr. Lupin hasn't been here all morning." Madame Pomfrey said. Okay okay, don't panic yet. Just go to Sirius and James and ask them.

Peter and I thanked Madame Pomfrey and we left for the Quidditch field.




"HEY! NO SNAKES ALLOWED" the captain yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"If I were you, I would excuse Black and Potter. Unless you want the Slytherin captain to know your game plan for next game? Which may I say, is not impressive at all" I smirked and the captain sighed.

"Potter, Black, you're excused. We don't have our seeker and best chaser now so I guess practice is over. Round 'em up gents" he rolled his eyes and left. James and Sirius reached the ground and glared.

"Inches away, Jade. I was inches away from the snitch"

"Yeah yeah, you're always inches away from something. This is more important." I rolled my eyes and looked at Peter who was stifling a laugh.

"What could be more important than me catching a-"

"It's Remus." This made James shut up.

"What about Moony?" Sirius asked tensing up. "Is he in the hospital wing? Is he severely injured? Merlin, I told him to start the transformation in front of us"

"That's the thing Sirius. We can't find Moony. Peter hasn't seen him in the common room all day and he wasn't at breakfast. We went to the hospital wing and Pomfrey said he wasn't there. We need your help to find him. It's a big castle and I'm already wasting enough time as it is." I said desperately pacing around the field. James had to grab my shoulders to stop me from pacing.

"Then what are we doing here? Let's go find our Moony."


"REMUS!?" Nothing.

"LUPIN" still nothing.

"I got your favorite chocolates" even more nothing.

I was currently running around the castle grounds looking for Remus. James went searching the courtyard, quidditch pitch, and classrooms. Sirius went towards the center courtyard, astronomy tower and dungeons (which I've checked three times before leaving the structure and towards the entrance of the forest). Peter went to check the Gryffindor common room, hallways and Great Hall.

I sighed and decided to walk by the shore of the Black Lake to see if he was there.

"REMUS LUPIN WHERE ARE YOU DAMMIT!" As I predicted, absolute silence and a few looks from the students. "What the bloody hell are you looking at? Nothing to see here, idiots"

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now