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It's been almost a month and James and Sirius have made little to no effort to talk to me. Remus barely leaves me alone and makes me sit with him pretty much everywhere. Lily glares at the two every chance she gets and 'accidentally' whacks Sirius with a Potions book during free period.

"They still haven't said anything to you?" I asked Remus as he sat down next to me in DADA.

"Yes but I'm not hearing it. They should be talking to you, not me." Remus shrugged. I only sighed and looked at the empty table in front of us. "Don't worry about it Jade. James is a git."

"It's not James I'm worried about." I muttered and looked at Sirius' chair.

Remus only sighed and pulled me closer to him.

"He's also an idiot. He'll come around. You just focus on being you and make him beg for your forgiveness." I laughed and hugged Moony.

"Why are we laughing?" Peter asked as he walked into the classroom with James and Sirius trailing behind him.

"Remus is teaching a valuable life lesson, that's all." I smiled at Peter and glared at the two boys behind him.

"Didi, we need to talk." James said as he sat down in front of me.

"How about no we don't? How about you get your head out of your ass and then I'll decide if I'll listen to you."

"I'm your brother, Jade."

"Yeah? You sure don't act like it sometimes." I rolled my eyes and put my book in front of them creating some sort of wall between us. From the corner of my eye, I saw Sirius looking depressed. I rolled my eyes at this. "Work up the courage to talk to me, Sirius. Then I'll decide what to do."

"Fine. Sunshine, I'm-"

"Good morning, class!" Saved by the Professor. "Today, you'll finally be able to cast your patronus. I know you all have been practicing since third year and this takes time."

The Professor divided us into pairs and luckily I was with Remus.

"Let's see what you got, Jade." I tried a couple of times but I only got a spark. "Memories aren't happy enough. Come on Jade, there's got to be something there."

"I'm not feeling all to happy, Moony." I rolled my eyes and looked over at Sirius who was already staring at me. I gave him the bird and took out my wand again.

"Fine. Then think about something that has to do with Sirius." Remus rolled his eyes.


"You heard me. Think of Sirius."

I closed my eyes and started to think of all the memories I have of Sirius. Only two of them showed up, the wedding and the astronomy tower. I opened my eyes and saw that Remus was staring at me. I nodded confidently and got pointed my wand out.

"Expecto patronum" a light came from my wand and it turned into a fox. I stepped back shocked and watched as my patronus ran around the classroom. Sirius saw it and stared at me in shock.

"Good job Miss Potter! 15 points for Slytherin." I nodded still not saying anything. I sat on the floor and stared at nothing in particular. Remus got worried and sat down in front of me.

"It's just a fox, Jade. It's a very beautiful one."

"It's not just any fox, Moony." I looked at him. "Do you remember the night I got detention with Sirius last year because of this class? The whole werewolf thing?"

"Yes I remember. Why?"

"That night, Sirius and I went to the astronomy tower and he showed me some constellations. One of them was Vulpecula, the fox holding a goose. He told me it was his favorite constellation." Remus sucked in a breath and looked at me wide eyed.

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now