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~Sirius POV~

"Hey Siri, have you seen Jade?"

"No. Didn't she go to the common room after curfew or something?"

"No. At least, I don't think so. I didn't see her on the sofa and her roommates were asking about her whereabouts." I started to panic but didn't let Reg know. She's probably setting up some bombs in Filch's office. No need to worry.

"She's probably with Peeves or something. She'll show up in a few. Go have breakfast okay? We'll talk later if you want." I ruffled his hair and he groaned waking over to the Slytherin table and fixing his hair. I laughed a bit and sat next to James still worrying. "Do you have any idea of where your twin may be?"

"Nope. I may be her twin but we're in different houses remember? The whole dilema with her being a snake and me being a Gryff? Ring any bells?" James rolled his eyes and served himself some breakfast.

"Very funny James. But I'm serious. Where is she? She said that she was going to the common room after she dropped Moony off at the hospital wing."

"Calm down, Sirius. I'm sure that she spent the night with Moony or something." I glared at him slightly. "Don't give me that look. Remember what we talked about."

"What we talked about was stupid. I don't have feelings for her." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, and I don't love Evans. Nice try, Sirius. Better luck next time." James smirked and started to make conversation with Peter. I groaned and served myself some breakfast.

I don't have feelings for Jade. I just think that she's adorable. The way she smiles, laughs, the little smile she always has when she's talking about something she's passionate about. The way she tilts her head slightly when she doesn't understand something. How her face lights up whenever she has an idea. The way she has the ability to light up a room with just a smile is bloody amazing.She's just perfect. But I don't have feelings for her. I can't have feelings for her. She's James' sister. James deemed her off limits to any of us.I don't have feelings for her. Or do I? I'm so confused.

I was pulled out of my train of thought when I saw Jade storm in the Great Hall with her tie undone, robe and bag in her hand, her hair up in a messy ponytail, and glasses. She wears glasses!? Why have I never noticed?

"So you finally decide to bless us with your hot mess presence." James smirked.

"Shush, James. I feel as if I've run the entire castle four times. I barely had time to brush my hair." She sat down next to Peter and started to fix her tie. "Screw it, I'll just wear it loose today. I don't have the energy for this. I barely slept." She grabbed a plate and started to serve herself some breakfast. "Pass me the orange juice. I've had enough of pumpkin for a while."

"Where were you last night?" Peter asked her concerned. "And why do you-"

"Don't say it. I look like a mess, I know. I was in the hospital wing all night with Moony. Some of his wounds opened up again and Pomfrey and I stayed up most of the night fixing them. He's okay. He just needs to sleep. Hopefully he'll join us at dinner."

"Well I consider it a miracle that you're wearing your glasses. You never wear them" James said amused.

"My head hurts today. That's the only reason I'm wearing them" she rolled her eyes and started to eat.

"Since when do you wear glasses?" I asked.

"Since about second year. I never wear them though. Only at night in the common room or at home whenever you guys aren't there. I don't like them." She shrugged.

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now