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"MUM AND DAD!" James and I ran towards our parents with Sirius right behind us.

"My children!" Mum and Dad hugged the three of us smiling.

"Hi Euphemia and Fleamont." Remus and Peter smiled hugging them.

"I can't believe our five troublemakers graduate today." Mum said tearing up. "It seems as if just yesterday the twins were boarding the train for the first time."

"Mum don't cry or else I'll start crying too." I smiled hugging her again. James suddenly grabbed my hand and showed our parents the engagement ring.

"The wedding is next week. You both received our letter right?" James asked and our parents nodded. "Good, because everyone is staying with us until the night of the wedding."

"Congratulations, you two." Dad said and gave Sirius a hug. "You still remember our talk, right son?"

"Yes sir." Sirius nodded fearfully.

"Good." Dad said and gave me a hug. "My little Princess is getting married. Now I feel old."

"Well." James and I looked at each other and laughed.

"JADE, MARLENE IS CRYING AGAIN!" Lily yelled walking towards us. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Potter!"

"Hello Lily, how are you?" Mum smiled and gave her a hug.

"I'm doing great, thank you. Still can't believe that I survived seven years of being in the same house as James." Lily laughed and looked at me. "Marlene is crying again."

"Slap her and tell her that I'm not singing with her if she doesn't shut up." Lily nodded and walked away.

"So it's 'James' now? No more 'your son'. Care to explain?" Dad smirked at James who turned red in the face.

"So we're kinda a thing now." He mumbled.

"WHAT!?" We all yelled and I hit James in the chest.

"And you didn't tell me!? I'm taking offense to that. I thought we told each other everything, James!"

"It happened this morning before you walked in the common room with the boys." James rolled his eyes. "I was going to tell you tonight."

"I'm still taking offense to that."


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